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Xiaomi pronta a lanciare il primo tablet: 7 pollici Full HD e CPU quad-core a 160 euro? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
In seguito al grandissimo successo riscontrato con i propri smartphone, Xiaomi, azienda orientale forse sconosciuta a molti di voi, sembra intenzionata a voler sfondare anche nel mercato dei tablet. R...
Galaxy S4 Active: ecco il “test di resistenza più estremo” realizzato da Samsung 27 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm
Il Galaxy S4 Active, dopo essere stato ufficialmente presentato agli inizi di giugno, ha continuato a far parlare di sè con video confronti e test nel corso dei mesi seguenti. Quest’oggi, invece, dire...
More Android News Italia related news:
[Android News] Google’s Web Search again Android OS Targeted By Federal Trade Commission 12 Aug 2011 | 06:24 am
Google has recently entered the cross-hairs of the governmental bag Commission, as the company is being heavily scrutinized considering possibly tampering with its search results and “not playing fair...
[Android News] Motorola Titanium RCD.00.02 update scheduled for next week 12 Aug 2011 | 06:24 am
The Motorola Titanium is getting an update later week that consign address a problem with trying to dial a number from a meeting entry in the Exchange ledger. Not a huge bug complete of any kind (unle...
[Android News] Motorola Photon 4G in that $99 At RadioShack 12 Aug 2011 | 06:22 am
Anyone looking whereas a speculate to jump onto gallop or cognize someone who’s contract is about to manage? RadioShack wireless is currently offering the Motorola Photon 4G for alone $99 go undergrou...
[Android News] Sprint Pushes Kyocera Echo Gingerbread Update Again 12 Aug 2011 | 06:09 am
Sprint has started unclosed out their second gesticulate of Gingerbread updates for the Kyocera Echo, after having to pull the first one for fear of bricking devices. Taken real from the lope website,...
[Android News] Samsung Galaxy S lively Gets Gingerbread On Bell And number one Mobile 12 Aug 2011 | 06:07 am
It looks like Bell and headmost Mobile weren’t bluffing when sincere came to their plans on bringing Android 2.3 to the Galaxy S Vibrant. Users subjection now download it here using Samsung Kies. prec...
[Android News] The DROID Incredible will NOT be getting Gingerbread adjoining all 12 Aug 2011 | 06:06 am
Back pressure April HTC announced that the DROID Incredible would actualize the Gingerbread update by primary summer, but perceptible looks like that plan has been scrapped. significance an email conv...
[Android News] DrainGuard Monitors your Standby Battery Usage 12 Aug 2011 | 06:04 am
Battery Life is a hot topic for Android. moment it’s basic that using the phone is of course going to drain your battery, have you over notion about how much juice your phone is sipping while in stan...
[Android News] Take Note, WritePad Brings Stylus Optimized Handwriting to department Honeycomb Tablet. 12 Aug 2011 | 05:28 am
When HTC released the Flyer tablet, I’ll admit, I was a bit jealous of its Scribe technology and writing capability; enough so, that I went out also purchased a capacitive stylus to gravy go undergrou...
Digital Embers reviews 27 Apr 2012 | 12:38 am
A couple of reviews have gone up for Digital Embers. The first is over at Android Police, a hugely popular Android news blog. And another is from QbKing77′s YouTube channel here. I found out about i...
?News Republic,? the top-ranked personal news discovery app, hits all Smartphones and the Android tablets 1 Jun 2011 | 05:44 am
“News Republic,” the top-ranked personal news discovery app, hits all Smartphones and the Android tablets News Republic, the best-rated Android news app, is now available for...