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Adquira o seu exemplar do livro “O Diário de Angelina Jolie” 15 Jun 2013 | 01:28 am
“O Diário de Angelina Jolie” de autoria do jornalista e escritor Ricardo van Enck Estou disponibilizando os últimos exemplares do livro “O Diário de Angelina Jolie” de minha autoria lançado em dezembr...
Jolie News está sendo publicado em 14 Jan 2013 | 01:03 am
Gostaria de informar, que o site Jolie News está sendo atualizado através do site Angelina Jolie que é o oficial em visitem para estarem por dentro e atualizados. Clique no link e par...
More Angelina Jolie Wordpress related news:
Angelina Jolie et Brad Pitt se fiancent 14 Apr 2012 | 07:12 pm
C'est fait! Le couple le plus glamour de la planète est fiancé. Après des mois de rumeurs sur le mariage tant attendu de Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie, un cap a été franchi.
Best short Celebrity Hairstyles are So Popular 2012 11 Nov 2011 | 04:19 am
Best short Celebrity Hairstyles are So Popular 2012 Some of the most emulated celebrities are Rhianna, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Michelle Obama. We often rush to g...
Indian Angelina Jolie - Amrita Arora for Maxim Mag 14 Jul 2008 | 06:07 am
Angelina Jolie’s cleavage signing autographs 22 Dec 2010 | 09:55 pm
How about some Angelina Jolie cleavage peek you say? Well you got it! Seen here signing autographs are her lovely titties sadly owned by Brad Pitt. Seriouly, why does the guy have everything good in t...
Angelina Jolie Engagement Ring at Emitations 18 Apr 2012 | 12:45 pm
Celebrity Style Jewelry - Angelina Jolie's Engagement Ring from: Who would not want an engagement ring that looks like one of the hottest couples on the planets? Your boyfriend may not...
Angelina jolie diet secrets 27 Jan 2007 | 01:58 pm
To get ready for her new movie Tomb Raider, Angelina Jolie had spent a few months on a special diet. Jolie’s been forced to swap cigarettes and coffee for steamed meat, vegetables and soya milk. ‘It’s...
girls tattoos 17 Dec 2010 | 11:56 am
Now so many girls out there from celebs to tiny teens all have tattoos. In fact Angelina Jolie is considered the most popular celebrity for tattooing. Nowadays girls sporting tattoo pictures on their ...
Damn You Skinny Alert™: More skin and bone celebrities. 7 Dec 2011 | 03:57 am
Publication: Weekly Life & Style Date: 12 Dec. 2011 The main story on the cover of Weekly Life & Style this week was about too skinny Angelina Jolie. Two other less famous female celebrities were ...
Angelina Jolie 20 Apr 2011 | 09:33 pm
On March 28, 1996, Jolie married British actor Jonny Lee Miller, her co-star in the film Hackers (1995). She attended her wedding in black rubber pants and a white shirt, upon which she had written th...