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Arquiste 7 Apr 2012 | 10:01 am
Arquiste should really be spelled "exquisite" because that's exactly what these fragrances are. Created by architect Carlos Huber and internationally-recognized noses, the scents in this line are mean...
Lemp Pendants 2 17 May 2012 | 02:34 pm
Our most recent offering in the TOKENnyc lighting collection, the Lemp Pendants, are inspired by the shape of Russian stacking dolls and citrus fruit. The surface treatment is a nod to architect Carlo...
Arquiste 7 Apr 2012 | 03:01 am
Arquiste should really be spelled "exquisite" because that's exactly what these fragrances are. Created by architect Carlos Huber and internationally-recognized noses, the scents in this line are mean...
ARCHI : Toute de bois vêtue 22 Aug 2013 | 06:12 pm
On aime cette fabuleuse maison entièrement en bois, réalisée par l'architecte Carlos Motta à Sao Paulo au Brésil. La juxtaposition des pièces de bois a été réalisée avec une main de maitre, en mixant...
Carlos Caetano e André Renato hoje no Samba do Esquenta – Amanhã Natal do Lu 24 Dec 2011 | 08:51 am
Imperdível hoje: Carlos Caetano traz consigo do RJ André Renato, o filho do Sereno, para abrilhantar o Esquen. A partir das 20h, com ingressos antecipados a R$ 15,00. Amanhã tem o tradicional NATAL D...
Modern White House By Carlos Nuno Lacerda Architects, In Portugal 17 Jun 2011 | 01:36 am
Modern white house which was designed in 2011 is the design of an architect named Carlos Nuno Lacerda Architects. Building a luxury home is located in Valongo, Portugal. This house is designed as a la...
Italian architect and designer Carlo Mollino’s polaroids. 16 Aug 2013 | 01:39 am
Italian architect and designer Carlo Mollino’s polaroids.
BANGA Project Restores Pop-Up Architecture Of The Early 70s 22 Aug 2013 | 06:38 pm
Originally designed by Carlo Zappa in 1971, the futuristic portable BANGA bungalows get a second life. Restoration architect Pamela Voigt discovered fourteen abandoned BANGAs in an Italian holiday res...
The Internship: Daniel Romualdez 20 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
As visual people, it's no surprise that architect and designer Daniel Romualdez and his intern Carlos Lambarri see eye to eye. Both agree: If you ask for work, you'll get the most out of an opportunit...
Conversation with Carlos Ott 26 Aug 2013 | 01:52 pm
Just edited an old taped interview with Carlos Ott, an Uruguay-born Canadian-resident architect who built landmark buildings like the Opera de la Bastille in Paris back in 1983. He also claims t...