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Aktualności: Millenium: "Vocanda 2013 Live in Studio" we wrześniu 27 Aug 2013 | 03:31 pm
9 września ukaże się nowe wydawnictwo krakowskiej grupy Millenium zatytułowane Vocanda 2013 Live in Studio. To kolejna niespodzianka dla fanów z okazji 15 - lecia wytwórni Lynx Music. Lider grupy, Rys...
Aktualności: Paweł Penksa na Polconie 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 03:24 pm
Już w najbliższy czwartek w Warszawie startuje najstarszy Ogólnopolski Konwent Miłośników Fantastyki – Polcon 2013. W trakcie tej czterodniowej imprezy, aż 3 razy będziemy mieli okazje usłyszeć muzykę...
More Art Rock News related news:
EugeneKha - The River Song 10 May 2010 | 11:46 am
Разумеется, это не совсем New Age, а синтез World Music, Downtempo, Art-Rock и Chillout. Заглавный трэк с одноименного альбома, вышедшего в январе 2010 на российском лэйбле Clinical Archives.
Wild Beasts canta in premiera la Bucuresti, la Control Day Out 2 21 May 2012 | 10:05 am
Cunoscuta trupa indie art-rock britanica Wild Beasts va concerta, in premiera in Romania, pe 1 iunie la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti, in cadrul Control Day Out 2, powered by TuborgSound - primul even...
Praying Mantis and Voodoo Six Rock News 27 May 2011 | 12:12 am
> > PRAYING MANTIS: > > Praying Mantis have some exciting up and coming dates including HARD > ROCK HELL IBIZA, AERO ROCK STARZ, METALCOVA (SPAIN) & HARD ROCK HELL UK > (posted in the SLW Promoti...
New Music: Soft Reeds – “This Affair” 8 Sep 2010 | 07:35 am
Soft Reeds – “This Affair” Led by former Gold Republic front man Ben Grimes, the debut single by Soft Reeds is well-crafted art rock a la Talking Heads and Wire. Vocally, Grimes sounds similar to Sun...
lizzy mercier descloux 22 May 2010 | 05:28 am
...lizzy mercier first got busy in paris in 1975 helping to get the primitive nascent leather jack iggy rock/punk scene going by starting a zine called somewhat uninviting 'rock news' but it got the r...
Gouveia Art Rock 2012, a primeira banda anunciada 18 Nov 2011 | 08:56 am
A edição 2012 do festival progressivo Gouveia Art Rock irá ter 3 dias, como já fora anuciado, realizando-se entre os dias 27 e 29 de Abril. A primeira banda a ser anunciada, foram os franceses Lazuli....
Believe 28 May 2012 | 07:32 pm
Megjelent a lengyel Believe zenekar második DVD-je. Az art-rock csapat 2011. novemberi, a katowicei Wyspianski Színházban adott koncertjét rögzítette. A kiadvány tartalmaz még bónusz anyagokat is, tö...
Rock News!!! 19 Dec 2010 | 02:55 pm
GOOD NEWS REM FANS! After the long wait REM is releasing their 15th album yes your reading it correctly. The album according to my source will be out by March of 2011, by now they have this single wh...
(1978) Wire “Chairs Missing” 25 Jul 2011 | 07:58 am
¿Qué te esperas de unos estudiantes de arte? Género: Post Punk / Art Rock Valoración: Obra Maestra Si todas las bandas influidas directa o indirectamente por el sonido Wire tuvieran que pagarle un ...
Art, Rocks and Obama (Or how to live in the age of the perpetual remix) 5 Feb 2009 | 08:00 pm
Back when I was in the record business one of my bosses would always say you can find the future by looking at the edges. Well he didn’t say that exactly but he would always go first to the gay clubs...