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AVR-GCC LCD library – mixed pin support 17 Dec 2011 | 06:06 am
Topics: -Example AVR Projects Some time ago we have posted alphanumeric AVR-GCC LCD library. It works fine in 8-bit and 4-bit modes. But it has some limitations that some people may find annoying. ....
Temperature sensor with time and date display on graphical LCD 2 Nov 2011 | 11:07 pm
Topics: -Example AVR Projects Some time ago I've build a prototyping board with graphical LCD. It have served for various small projects and prototypes. Had a spare temperature sensor DS18B20 and d....
Interfacing rotary encoder to Atmega32 5 Aug 2011 | 08:00 am
Topics: -Example AVR Projects Recently I was working on a project that involved rotary encoder. I thought I'd share some thoughts on how rotary encoder can be interfaced and programmed. Actually it....
Running TX433 and RX433 RF modules with AVR microcontrollers 15 Mar 2008 | 01:17 am
Topics: -Example AVR Projects Sometimes in embedded design you may want to go wireless. Might be you will want to log various readings of remotely placed sensors, or simply build a remote control f....
Programming AVR ADC module with WinAVR 1 Feb 2008 | 02:13 am
Topics: -Example AVR Projects Most of AVR microcontrollers have Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) integrated in to chip. Such solution makes embedded designers life much easier when creating projec....
Simple signal drawing on graphical LCD routines 19 Oct 2007 | 09:36 pm
Topics: -Example AVR Projects During spare time I have been playing with graphical LCD. This time I decided to display simple signals that are stored in microcontroller memory. The idea was to read....
Output number when button is pressed 13 Sep 2007 | 07:00 pm
Topics: -Example AVR Projects This is simple demo program of reading button state, lighting LEDs, sending information via USART. 8 buttons are connected to Atmega16 port A, 8 LEDs to port B via cur....
Introduction To BASCOM AVR 15 Apr 2011 | 12:06 pm
Saya menuliskan sebuah tulisan sederhana tentang pengenalan BASCOM AVR, meliputi langkah-langkah membuat project baru, menuliskan firmware, dan meng-compile. BASCOM adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograma...
--- آموزش کامل Bascom AVR --- 17 Sep 2009 | 07:06 am
سلام دوستان. واستون آموزش Bascom AVR پیدا کردم که واقعآ آموزش جامعیه و شامل 184 صفحه و توسط آقای علیرضا خلیلی نوشته شده. انصافآ دستشون درد نکنه. دانلود کتاب حجم : 5 Mb
Menggunakan Software UART dengan [Bascom AVR] 18 Jan 2011 | 07:46 pm
Protokol komunikasi serial RS-232 (UART) seringkali digunakan dalam pengiriman data dari mikrokontroler ke mikrokontroler ataupun dari mikrokontroler ke komputer dan sebaliknya. Pada beberapa mikrokon...