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Mobile Gaming e la nuova generazione di console 18 Jul 2013 | 07:40 pm
Il mobile gaming continua a crescere, è un trend che coinvolge un sempre crescente numero di utenti, allo stesso modo la sfida tra i colossi produttori di console, quali Microsoft, Sony e Nintendo, la...
Come scoprire chi vi chiama con il numero privato anonimo 29 Jun 2013 | 03:15 pm
Si chiama Whooming il nuovo servizio che offre di farci avere il numero di chi ci chiama anonimamente, sia su cellulare sia su fisso. Whooming è il servizio che promette di mettere fine alle chiamate ...
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Fortune High Tech Marketing (FHTM) Secrets You Should Know 5 Apr 2010 | 09:22 am
ИконописиконописПравославни икониFortune Hi Tech Marketing (FHTM) can help you get the life you want for yourself and your family. Most people don’t care about owning a mansion with a 15-car garage, t...
RESET#4 15 Nov 2011 | 03:04 am
Народ как Вы наверняка знаете мы пытаемся оживить местную ИТ тусовку и дать ему рупор высказывания его мнений путем создания цикла телепередач посвященных hi-tech сегменту страны. Пока все муторно и т...
Bid Rivals : enchères ludiques au centime 28 Jun 2011 | 09:22 pm
Bid Rivals : Gagnez du Hi-Tech pour quelques centimes Bid Rival est le leader des enchères aux centimes en France. Tous les jours, des centaines de gagnants repartent avec des télévisions, des iphone...
Lady Gaga ha creato un social network: Little Monster 16 Feb 2012 | 01:28 pm
Lady Gaga, oltre ad essere la pop star indiscussa del momento, è anche particolarmente attenta al mondo hi-tech e a quello social. Non contenta dei suoi quasi 50 milioni di fan su Facebook, quasi 20 m...
Yozo Cloud Office won The 13th High-Tech Fair Outstanding Product Award 13 Dec 2011 | 11:32 pm
“2011 The 13th China International Hi-Tech Fair” was closed in Shenzhen in November 21, 2011. Those experts and the fair organizing committee decided to name Yozo Cloud Office that independent researc...
Yozosoft on China Hi-tech Fair 2011 21 Nov 2011 | 09:48 pm
Nov16 to Nov 21, 2011, Yozosoft Co., Ltd attended on China Hi-tech Fair 2011 in Shenzhen. Yozo Cloud Office and mobile office, as the two main products and show topic of Yozosoft successfully attracte...
MECPACK FIVESTARS, il termoretraibile automatico Hi Tech 25 May 2011 | 08:00 pm
MECPACK FIVESTARS, il termoretraibile automatico Hi Tech La nuova Mecpack Five Stars***** è il risultato degli oltre 35 anni di esperienza produttiva ed applicativa del Gruppo Italdibipack nelle sald...
3 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Blog 10 Aug 2011 | 04:09 am
Hi, Some people contact me and ask me, “what’s better for a business, a blog or a website?” Personally, I have both but the blog is far better and I’m going to tell you why. The 3 reasons why you s...
Hi Tech Apps For Fitness Nutters 22 Dec 2010 | 01:50 pm
Fancy turning yourself into a lab rat wired up to all sorts of gadgets, heart monitors, GPS devices? The number of apps for iphones related to fitness seems to be growing. “Applications can be downlo...
I’m back (again) to blogging 14 Aug 2010 | 10:02 am
Hi guys, how are you doing? Recently there have been a lot of copywriting jobs that I’ve done in Slashes & Dots so I better get my lazy ass to write more. Yea yea, I know it’s like a Deja Vu all over ...