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Jest moc, czyli potentaci komunikacji internetowej połączyli siły:) WP.PL i GG razem! 25 May 2013 | 12:56 pm

Czat w Twojej poczcie! Rozmawiaj z innymi użytkownikami Poczty WP.PL, kiedy tylko chcesz:) Właśnie udostępniliśmy Ci komunikator w poczcie! I to nie byle jaki, bo komunikator GG. Jest on od teraz Two...

Bramka SMS 20 Mar 2013 | 02:37 pm

Często się zdaża, że chcemy, aby nasza informacja dotarła do odbiorcy jak najszybciej, a np. nie ma on w tej chwili dostępu do internetu - rozwiązaniem są sms'y. Niestety oferty naszych dostawców komó...

More Blog Poczta Wp related news:

I Finally Upgraded This Blog To WP 2.8.1 14 Jul 2009 | 07:49 pm

I finally upgraded this blog to the latest WordPress version and I can’t believe how easy it was. LOL. I had put this on hold for the longest time, thinking that it was going to be quite a hassle jus...

Installer une nouvelle configuration de WordPress 12 Feb 2012 | 09:00 am

Comme annoncé il y a quelques jours, le blog ART-WP a été entièrement réinstallé. A l’occasion, je vous avais promis de reprendre les notes prises durant cette opération afin de vous en faire profiter...

WordPress Forum 4 Dec 2010 | 07:58 pm

Terkadang ada saja persoalan yang kita hadapi saat nge-Blog pakai WP terdapat masalah dalam hal pengelolaan blog atau administrasi blog yang tidak terpecahkan, bahkan kita sudah cari sumber di blog pe...

Setting up Yoast on PremiumPress themes 2 Feb 2012 | 12:39 am

This tutorial was kindly written by Stephen in PremiumPress Forum in one discussion. I thought that it would be a great idea to include it here for better access. In your blog’s wp-admin area, go to ...

How to Clone WordPress Blog Using WP Twin Review 19 Aug 2011 | 11:58 pm

I am often asked by people the quickest way to clone a WordPress blog. I have tested a few different solutions but by far my favourite, easiest to use and quickest has to be wp twin. WP Twin allows f...

Comment rendre privé son blog chez WP.Com ? 25 Sep 2008 | 06:59 am

Si tu souhaites interdire l’accès à ton blog à tout visiteur non identifié, c’est possible avec un blog hébergé chez bonne manière de créer une communauté virtuelle…et discrète : seul...

Before I Upgrade to WordPress 3.0 21 Jun 2010 | 06:49 am

This is me moments before I’m converting this blog to WP 3.0… let’s hope I don’t destroy anything, let’s hope the backups are ok and lets hope my Woo theme still works with after the move to WP3. I h...

New Blog: The WP Ninja 10 Jan 2010 | 03:00 am

Check my new blog over at! Also for those that don’t know and are looking for WordPress inspiration, check my css gallery.

How To Make Money Online With Auto Blogs 9 Mar 2010 | 01:18 am

Auto blogging is a relatively new concept that is sweeping the ‘make money blogging’ niche. Auto Blog with WP Robot As all bloggers know when it comes to making money blogging, ‘content is king’. Th...

Submit your WP site 19 Jul 2010 | 09:53 pm

Here is a list of resources where you can submit your WordPress site. Are you missing a good site? Write a comment. I will update this post frequently. WPin news – WPin blog WPscoop WP Arena WP vo...