Most Blogger Ranting Patah related news are at:

10 Perkahwinan Selebriti Malaysia Sepanjang Tahun 2012 11 Dec 2012 | 10:46 am
Tahun 2012 menyaksikan ramai selebriti popular tanah air mengambil keputusan untuk menamatkan zaman bujang. Antaranya ialah Awal & Scha, Lisa & Yusry, Fasha & Jejai serta ramai lagi. Kesemua majlis te...
Info : Proses Terakhir Pembuatan Kondom Sebelum Dijual (9 Gambar) 11 Dec 2012 | 08:49 am
Kondom getah yang pertama di dunia telah dicipta pada tahun 1855. Jom kita tenogk proses terakhir sebelum kondom dipaket dan dijual iaitu proses untuk menguji ketahanan dan kekukuhan getah kondom. Su...
More Blogger Ranting Patah related news:
It's spectacular [spectacular] 13 Apr 2011 | 11:30 am
SEE WHAT I DID THERE? No? Okay. WARNING: The rest of the post will consist of one blogger ranting insanely about a certain movie she watched recently. Earplugs are provided to your left. [WAVES HAND...
Look, Ma! I'm Versatile!! 10 May 2011 | 09:00 pm
My good friend, Shady Del Knight over at Shady Dell Music and Memories has bestowed me with this lovely Versatile Blogger Award!! Isn't it pretty? I've ranted about Shady in a previous post, but if ...
Tips Menghilangkan Patah Hati 20 Dec 2010 | 03:40 am
Met malem sobat blogger......maaf sudah lama tidak update nie, di keranakan banyak kegiatan di kampus...!!!hehehe Menyembuhkan patah hati memang tidak seperti menyembuhkan penyakit flu atau batuk. Pa...
"Ciri-ciri Orang Ketagih Facebook" 26 Nov 2010 | 10:53 pm
Tengok gambar cewek cantik kat atas ni, x kira dimana jua yg penting bole b'facebook. hahaha.... takut juga tengok klu tiba2 ranting pkok tu patah trus dia jatuh, sayang plak leptop tu. hehe... Harin...
December 2009 Polyphasic Bloggers 4 Jan 2010 | 08:15 am
cc photo by Adam Baker The following have been added to the list of current polyphasic bloggers. - “Sleep to Wake” by Xialuote - “neurohack” by Sharif Olorin - “Raven’s Rant“ - “Rich Frog” by Jor...
Stop Eating Spam Hidden in Your Comments! 15 Mar 2012 | 07:09 am
Who doesn't enjoy ranting about spammers? But what about bloggers who not only approve spam comments but actually eat their spam by replying? Please stop. Increasing your comment count with spam help...
Blogger, Robots.txt, Canonical URLs, Feeds - Let's get some Synergy 22 Feb 2009 | 04:27 pm
A little rant where I ask Blogger to make a slight change. The story begins... Several months back, Blogger changed the way they did comments somewhat. Short version is they broke up post pages that ...
Aide pour poster des commentaires sur Blogger 7 Jun 2012 | 05:15 pm
J'avais déjà eu ce problème l'année dernière et cela recommence depuis hier. Impossible de poster des comments sur les blogs que je suis. En espèrant profiter de votre expèrience et si vous avez déjà...
Blogger, Robots.txt, Canonical URLs, Feeds - Let's get some Synergy 22 Feb 2009 | 11:27 am
A little rant where I ask Blogger to make a slight change. The story begins... Several months back, Blogger changed the way they did comments somewhat. Short version is they broke up post pages that ...
Stop Eating Spam Hidden in Your Comments! 15 Mar 2012 | 03:09 am
Who doesn't enjoy ranting about spammers? But what about bloggers who not only approve spam comments but actually eat their spam by replying? Please stop. Increasing your comment count with spam help...