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This is a Guest post by , Brian O'Connell, s the CEO and founder of CPA Site Solutions, one of the country's most successful companies dedicated entirely to designing excellent accountant websites. Hi...
Amy Steele Revisited, A Handy Jaunt Through the Remains of Her Online Presence and Mental Health 16 Jan 2011 | 07:13 pm
Yesterday, I posted an article summarizing the highlights of the blog "Brian Schofer: Emotionless Engineer," a barking mad emotional extortion of an ex-non-boyfriend. Blog author and Boston and scary-...
I am Shutting plainbeta Down 5 May 2010 | 02:37 pm
I have decided to shut down this blog. Though it’s not like I have a bunch of readers. I will be moving everything over to my site Brian Purkiss .com. It is currently under construction and is my pr...
Poker : Programming Problem 24 Feb 2009 | 02:19 pm
Although it has been a while since Brian posted the poker problem in his blog, I haven’t got the chance to look at it until I came across in ProjectEuler Problem 54. It is not the elegant or best solu...
Boletin Cuack n° 1 25 Mar 2008 | 11:01 am
La moto de Akira en las calles de Tokio TechEBlog, blog especializado en hablar sobre tendencias tecnológicas y sobre artilugios o gadgets, publicaba hace unos días unas fotos sobre un modelo totalme...
Try the effects of brainwave entrainment right here 2 Apr 2011 | 06:40 am
Hi, Brian here, This blog is about my alpha brainwave meditation method. Note, if you're looking for brainwave entrainment products and AUDIO SAMPLES then click here to visit THE UNEXPLAINABLE STORE...
Final Part Of Brian D. Hawkins Blogging Interview [Part-2] 5 Jan 2012 | 09:56 pm
This is continuation part of Brian D. Hawkins Interview , If you want to know about Brian Hawkins and his personal life? check the part -1 Article Here .Really We Got Good Response For Brian D. Hawkin...
Inspiring Interview With Brian D. Hawkins From Hot Blog Tips – Part 1 3 Jan 2012 | 11:57 pm
Hot Blog Tips ! hotblogtips was fast growing blog that tells about blogging tips,commenting tips ,affiliate marketing tips,video blogging tips . i’m one of the regular reader of hotblogtips and mostly...
Lendas e amuletos do Japão - Teru Teru Bozu (てる てる 坊主) 12 Nov 2011 | 10:33 am
No mês passado, iniciamos uma nova seção no blog com um artigo do Akira sobre o Daruma. Hoje, vou falar sobre outro amuleto muito comum no Japão, o Teru Teru Bozu, geralmente feito de papel ou algum t...
Akira The Don 3 Apr 2011 | 10:06 am
Having been using the web as a base for his artistic endeavours since May 2004, Akira needed a website to showcase his extensive music career, and artwork, alongside two prolific blogs, a weekly video...