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A short story I wrote 4 Feb 2009 | 09:56 am
GODDESS GLORY, BALLBUSTER By Caligula Goddess Glory watched as the young, very young, white boy entered the hotel room where she was waiting for him. His eyes were downcast and his face flushed red,...
Oyster Dinner With The Family 21 Jan 2009 | 04:48 pm
Oyster Dinner With the Family By Caligula Jeff was sitting in front of the television watching some boring show. Jeff's Aunt Therese and cousin Melissa had been invited over for dinner by his widowe...
Interviewing Sister (sequel to Interviewing Mom) 7 Jan 2009 | 10:20 am
Interviewing Sister By Caligula Jeff sat there, looking up at his beautiful mother and older sister as their feet rested precariously on his ballsack. While his mother's sweet bare foot just rested ...
Paying My Sister Part 1 8 Apr 2007 | 07:36 am
PAYING MY SISTER By Caligula Jeff was 18 and a rather good looking guy. He had always been a hard worker and saved every penny he earned thus accumulating quite a nice, if small, nestegg. But he was...
Interviewing Mom 8 Apr 2007 | 07:22 am
Interviewing Mom By Caligula Jeff was in love with his mother Patricia’s feet. He was 18, she was 38. They were absolutely gorgeous as far as he was concerned. He often fantasized about licking her ...
Sugar and Spice 8 Apr 2007 | 07:18 am
This was a story I started but never finished. Anyone care to take a stab at it? Might be worth a trade if it's good. Sugar and Spice By: Caligula Alan was 12 years old and in the 7th grade. He was...
Mom's Ball-Busting Videos, Inc. 25 Mar 2007 | 07:20 am
Mom's Ball-Busting Videos, Inc. By: Caligula Jeff and his mother Patricia had fallen on hard times after his father had died seven years before. All of the money they had inherited was just about us...
caligula blow job 1 Jul 2008 | 05:25 am
Details: Duration: 03min 03sec Views: 805,135 total (154,748 today) Rating: 4.20 / 5.00 (1,499 ratings) Submitted: anonymous Date: Mon Jun 30 07:22:07 2008
Caligula 16 Aug 2011 | 02:08 pm
É uma das mais polêmicas produções do cinema. O único que mostra o show de perversões que o Império Romano escondia, e conta a história de Calígula o mais louco dos imperadores, que mantinha um bizarr...
Cine erotico italiano online 20 Oct 2010 | 11:39 pm
Peliculas de Cine Erotico Italiano en Español Online Caligula megavideo Calígula y Mesalina megavideo El despertar del placer megavideo El hombre que mira megavideo El voyeur megavideo Giulia: L...