Most Chahaya Beauty Aura related news are at:

Betul ke MyKad Smart Shopper sehebat The Conjuring!? 19 Aug 2013 | 09:12 pm
Betul ke MyKad Smart Shopper sehebat The Conjuring! Salam, Tajuk nak bagi hangat jek kan…hahaha..yela sekarang ni tengah sibuk orang cakap pasal citer seram The Conjouring tu..hehe..Tapi tak berkes....
USTAZ AZHAR IDRUS KAHWIN 3? 26 May 2013 | 01:46 pm
Assalamualaikum... Bila kita sebut je nama Ustaz Azhar Idrus, semua org kenal start dari kecil higga ke tua. Ustaz Azhar lebih sinonim dengan gelaran UAI yang banyak memberi ceramah-ceramah agama yan...
More Chahaya Beauty Aura related news:
Kim Tae Hee shows her charm in Maladewa 26 Apr 2012 | 03:45 am
Korean actress Kim Tae Hee showed his beauty aura again, this time in the photo session that she was doing for fashion magazine, Marie Claire. This... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my web...
chahaya skincare price list 29 May 2012 | 11:25 pm
1 set Chahaya Whitening harga RM85.00 (3 item-whitening soap/toner/cream) Chahaya Whitening Soap-RM20.00 Chahaya Toner-RM30.00 Chahaya Whitening Cream-RM35.00 1set Chahaya Beauty AMAZE : RM100 AMAZ...
Kim Tae Hee shows her charm in Maladewa 25 Apr 2012 | 11:45 pm
Korean actress Kim Tae Hee showed his beauty aura again, this time in the photo session that she was doing for fashion magazine, Marie Claire. This... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my web...
Chahaya Beauty : Skin Care for your Skin :) 27 Dec 2012 | 09:47 am
Assalamualaikum Lama betul tak pot pet pot pet kat sini Kebizian (alasan lapukkkk.hua3) Alhamdulillah, dah boleh tarik nafas lega bila dah dah siapkan thesis yang tersangat membosankan hari hari sa...
Promosi YES Produk Chahaya Beauty 27 Dec 2012 | 12:07 pm
Assalamualaikum w.r.b.t.. Hari ni nana nak umumkan yang produk Chahaya Beauty telah mengadakan jualan akhir tahun (Year End Sale) YES sehingga Disember ini. Sebanyak 10% diskaun diberikan ke atas p...
Migraine Headaches: Brain Facts/Infographics 17 Nov 2011 | 06:34 am
Migraine is an often one sided headache that can last for several hours and presents with or without an aura. Here are some interesting facts about migraines depicted in this beautiful infographic: S...
Foto Artis Seksi Aura Kasih ‘Blue Perfect’ 10 Sep 2011 | 11:22 pm
Aura Come Back With Music Disco 80s Long time not seen on stage entertainment, apparently Aura Kasih got busy while preparing a new album and new single. Busy with what the hell is this beautiful? “Cu...
The peasant and the snake 2 Apr 2011 | 07:46 am
One day, a poor chinese peasant passes a paddy field. He sees a glistening cobra. It was a snake like none other he had seen in his lifetime. It had an aura of beauty and a delicious glow about it (a ...
Hair & Beauty Moments of Kristen Stewart 16 Mar 2012 | 09:48 pm
Kristen Stewart has the beauty to create an enchanting aura around her. Since the success of Twilight sequel, Kristen’s fans have witnessed her in various makeovers. From her fresh faced makeover to h...
Aum Sweet Aum (V) - Patchwork Wall Hanging 31 May 2012 | 01:18 am
The beautiful wall hanging depicts the sacred word 'Aum' with some sparkling designs. Resplendent velvet colour adds some sparks. An aura of devotion and gracefulness. Aum is considered one of the mos...