Most Cm9 Gnex related news are at:

Inverted Portrait Mode? 27 Aug 2013 | 08:46 pm
Is it possible to get this out of an android device (in my case a SGS2)? After all, landscape mode is (mostly) bidirectional and when using a flying charge lead it's a lot easier in many cases of hav...
Cherry Mobile Sonic 27 Aug 2013 | 01:01 pm
can you help me out with my phone above..^ ^.. pls. i have recently rooted my cherry mobile sonic with gingerbread 2.3.6 kernel v compatible with this rom.. and how will i flash it on my pho...
More Cm9 Gnex related news:
Energy CM9 ICS ROM for Rooted Kindle Fire! [SUPER FAST] 12 May 2012 | 06:59 am
With a ton of new ICS ROMs like this Energy CM9 ICS ROM, it makes the Kindle Fire the best ICS tablet your money can buy right now at this moment. The Energy CM9 ICS ROM is another great ICS ROM that ...
CM9 Reloaded ICS ROM for Rooted Kindle Fire! 12 May 2012 | 06:55 am
Here’s another great ICS ROM (with everything working) you can try on your rooted Kindle Fire, CM9 Reloaded ICS ROM! This CM9 Reloaded ICS ROM features latest Android 4.0.4, 1.2Ghz overclocking, Apex...
ICS ROM for Rooted Kindle Fire! [CM9] 10 Feb 2012 | 09:56 am
Couple weeks back we saw one of the first beta versions of ICS on the Kindle Fire. Well, someone has been working hard to port CyanogenMod 9 ICS ROM to Kindle Fire and boy, it’s almost there with most...
Install CM9 Alpha on Samsung Galaxy Plus I9001 17 May 2012 | 08:54 pm
Many lucky users of Galaxy Plus already tasted the Ice Cream Sandwich on their phone but many are still running with Gingerbread itself. You can try searching for the update by going through the Setti...
Red Elegance for CM9/AOKP v0.7 27 May 2012 | 11:01 pm
Red Elegance for CM9/AOKP v0.7 Requirements: Android 1.5+ Overview: Welcome to Red Elegance! This is a theme created for the theme chooser in CM9, AOKP, Gummy, BlackICE and any other ROMs that use the...
ZTE Blade ICS – CM9 ir AOKP 23 May 2012 | 06:19 am
Sveiki, pastebėjau, kad žmonės itin susidomėjo mano įkeltu straipsniu apie 4,o androido versiją “Bleidui” ir pradėjo klausinėti. Norėdamas pamaloninti skaitytojus nusprendžiau parašyti išsamiau ir det...
CM9 Ice Cream Sandwich ant ZTE Blade 10 Jan 2012 | 04:53 am
Sveiki, kaip ir žadėjau, štai jums naujojo ICS apžvalga. Nuo išleidimo praėjo pora mėnesių, tačiau CyanogenMod komanda nesnaudžia, ir jau galime pabandyti CM9 beta versiją ant ZTE Blade. Tai dar nėra ...
TF201 CM9 External GPS Support Testing [Updated 17/05/2012] 16 May 2012 | 08:35 am
In an effort to support the newly released external GPS expansion in CM9, we are happy to present our GPS Wrapper! Once this has been tested, it will be merged into CM9! On our small-scale tests thi...
Aaaaaand, we’re back. CM9 for ASUS Transformer (TF101) back on track 25 Feb 2012 | 11:57 am
Right on the heels of CM9 for TF Prime, we have CM9 for original TF coming soon! Don’t quite have a video or a screenshot yet, but rest assured that our work on CM9 for TF prime has resumed now that ...
FreeXperia team release CM9 alpha ROM for Xperia X10 31 Dec 2011 | 02:32 am
Last week we saw the first CyanogenMod 9 alpha ROM released from xda-developer member spaarc. Now the FreeXperia developer team has released its own version of CM9.0 (FXP053). Similar to the other ver...