Most Coate Goale Stencil related news are at:

Found Poetry / Ceea ce distrugem si celebram in acelasi timp / Salonul de Proiecte 26 Dec 2012 | 05:35 pm
Found Poetry este un proiect expus la Salonul de Proiecte in cadrul expozitiei "Ceea ce distrugem si celebram in acelasi timp". Tevile care se gasesc peste tot in Romania la marginea drumurilor sau p...
Ceea ce distrugem si celebram in acelasi timp 12 Dec 2012 | 12:11 am
Artisti: Apparatus 22, Tatiana Fiodorova, Monotremu, Raluca Popa, Sorin Popescu, Soyons Impossibles, Iulia Toma Perioada: 13 decembrie 2012 – 3 februarie 2013 Vernisaj: joi, 13 decembrie, ora 19.00 ...
More Coate Goale Stencil related news:
Piggy Bank 21 Apr 2012 | 09:15 pm
Artisti: Daniel Knorr si Coate-Goale Perioada: 24 aprilie – 10 iunie 2012 Vernisaj: marti, 24 aprilie 2012, ora 19.00 Pentru expozitia de la Salonul de proiecte Daniel Knorr a conceput o instalati....
Pevo World Cup w/ Posts and Base (8' x 24') 16 Dec 2009 | 12:13 pm
Semi-permanent goal built of lightweight, powder coated 2" x 4" round aluminum tubing with rounded corners. Includes high strength, durable aluminum castings and 2" aluminum backstays. Also has net wi...
Damask~Chandelier Stencil Wedding Cake 28 Jun 2013 | 07:40 pm
Fondant Royal Icing Mud Choc Cake Dark Choc Ganache Coating Price : pls contact
New Batman Sculpt 18 Aug 2013 | 07:23 am
Here's a new sculpt I've been working on, the goal is to have a cowl that I can turn my head in and hear through. The plan is to attach it to a spandex hood, and coat in latex. What do you guys think?...