Most David Jang Cult related news are at:

Relativism and Antinomianism: It’s Mostly About Sex 18 Aug 2013 | 07:07 am
Both relativists and Antinomians will specifically speak against some things as wrong. It seems they only object when issues related to sexual morality are openly addressed. -- Written by David Kowal...
Testing Claims about the Hebrew and Greek 13 Aug 2013 | 08:36 am
Misrepresenting the meaning of the original languages of Scripture is one of the easiest ways to mislead those with little if any training in those languages.Even if one Is not a scholar trained in bi...
More David Jang Cult related news:
張大衛續惹爭議之分析 9 Sep 2012 | 05:29 am
張大衛(David Jang, 1949-)教派無論在亞洲或北美,到處都惹起爭議。1就算張大衛公開的言論與正統信仰無異,他本人亦從未公開宣稱自己是「再臨基督」(The Second Coming Christ),但多年來,其教派各地的離教者卻成了有力的反證。究竟是這些跟隨者「不約而同地」領會錯誤?還是張大衛的作風是與過去所有「擺明車馬」的異端教派迥別不同?表面是「明修棧道」、內裡卻是「暗渡陳倉」?...
再來基督的爭議:更多領袖發聲 28 Sep 2012 | 10:37 am
張大衛(David Jang)駐新加坡的特派員首次發聲,談及他們為何曾經相信張氏是一位新的基督,他們為甚麼改變這個想法,以及張氏的組織是如何運作的。 愛德蒙.蔡(譯音)(Edmond Chua) 作為張大衛(David Jang)共同體組織的駐東南亞的代表——他的教會的牧師、他的企業的老闆、和他的基督教新聞網站的編輯—— 愛德蒙 相信張氏就是一位新的基督,是建立神的王國在地上彌賽亞式的人物。
[Info] BIGBANG, 2NE1, LMFAO, David Guetta & More will attend 2012 Spring Groove in Japan 28 Jan 2012 | 05:42 pm
Tweet Special Thanks to KGG Lover FFish Check out upcoming K-Star’s Birthday, Concert, Album & more on KGG K-Star Schedule 1st Look & HIGH CUT Magazine Giveaway Jang Keun Suk / INFINITE / ...
CCC Radio Presents...Italian Action Exposure! 24 Apr 2011 | 07:26 am
Cult Cinema Corner Radio will be kicking back and discussing the Italian action cinema of the 60s, 70s and 80s with author/critic David Zuzelo! Mr. Zuzelo is the author of Tough to Kill: The Italian ...
DeSCaRGa 5x06: "i aM NuMBeR NiNe" 16 Nov 2011 | 07:52 am
Música: •Cults - "Go Outside" •Friendly Fire - "True Love" •My Gold Mask - "Violet Eyes" •The Uglysuit - "On We Go" •David Guetta - "Titanium" •Lana Del Rey - "Video Games" Descargar: Fileserve
A To Z Of Well-Known Magicians 25 Aug 2011 | 08:27 am
There are many well-known, skilled magicians that you might not know about because even though they're well known, they haven't reached magician cult status. Most people know about the magician David ...
The Dune Costume Party 2 Oct 2011 | 02:55 pm
Via: David Lynch’s films have always garnered cult followings, but in the case of his 1984 screen adaptation of Frank Herbert’s novel Dune, there’s more magic than murder in the a...
A Milano il 25 maggio 'L'omosessualità? Non può essere reato' in occasione delle ultime repliche del cult 'Angels in America' 20 May 2012 | 01:15 am
Venerdì 25 maggio ore 17:00 | INCONTRO Teatro Elfo Puccini | Milano | Buenos Aires, 33 MM Lima L'OMOSESSUALITÀ? NON PUÒ ESSERE REATO In memoria di David Kato Kisule Interventi dal vivo e video...
RnRTV #296: Cult Bus Crash and Diamond Dave Explains 14 Jul 2012 | 03:26 am
Quicktime (click to view) Want bite sized rock news? Rock n Roll TV is for you! This episode – Cult frontman Ian Astbury describes the band bus crash; Diamond David Lee Roth talks Super Bowl; Lily Al...
Une BO pour Explosions in the sky 23 Jul 2013 | 12:15 pm
Près de 10 ans après la BO Friday Night Lights (2004) le quatuor culte d'Austin réintère l'exercice en signant celle du film Prince Avalanche réalisé par leur vieil ami et collaborateur David Wingo. P...