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~dear diary 20 Apr 2011 | 12:19 am

i miss blogging. i miss putting my thoughts into words. i miss saying things out loud. i've been keeping a lot of thing to myself for the past couple of months. things that hurt. maybe i need time...

Dear Diary, Does My Shop Have the LOOK? 24 Apr 2010 | 05:40 am

For those of you who sell vintage Etsy just put on their blog this week part 1 of their Guide to Selling Vintage. I browsed some of the shops mentioned and read the entry but one thing common to all t...

Dah lama x update 28 Jan 2010 | 04:08 am

Dear Diary, Dah lame giler x update personal blog ni...reason? x sempat nk update kedua-dua blog dalam satu masa....huhuhu...bila rase nk closed blog ni..rasa sayang plak..oklah kite continue with ne...

Dear Diary - 10.03.2011 11 Mar 2011 | 02:54 am

Hahaha.... Dah masuk tahun 2011. Lama tak update blok... ops, blog daa... Nampaknye 'dear diary' dah jadi diari tahunan pulak. sememangnya aku jarang2 check blog ni. Kalau diikutkan sebenarnya banya...

Dear Diary - 07.02.2010 7 Feb 2010 | 04:44 am

Agak lama tidak menjenguk ke blog nie. Bukannya apa, agak sibuk kebelakangan ini. Kalau diikutkan, memang banyak nak diluahkan, namun masa tidak mengizinkan. Tambahan pula, aku ni bukannya jenis suka ...

The Blogger That Always Quits 20 Sep 2010 | 05:11 am

Dear Diary, An entire month I disappeared from my blog. Some people were probably really happy as the blog rouses nothing but negative sentiments from their minds with a virgin's width. Some probably...

Update duluuu dooongs :D 29 Jul 2012 | 12:18 am

Dear diary, Wiiiiih…udah lama ga ngisi blog ini, terbengkalai selama berbulan-bulan. It’s been a while since I left Japan for good. Lots of things happened.  Oh yes, I’m married now And I changed my s...

The Blogger That Always Quits 20 Sep 2010 | 01:11 am

Dear Diary, An entire month I disappeared from my blog. Some people were probably really happy as the blog rouses nothing but negative sentiments from their minds with a virgin's width. Some probably...

dear blog 6 Aug 2012 | 10:10 pm

dear blog (some kind of modern version of dear diary, I suppose) How have you been? Do you feel lonely without my babbling? Are you okay with the idea that I finally have a life again in my reality r...

Perubahan-perubahan kecil 24 Nov 2012 | 01:52 am

Dear diary, Saya memang pemalasan…salah satunya malas nulis blog. Hahahahaa…. Berhubung jauh dari suami, kerjaan tiap hari cuma ngantor-pulang-bobo, akhirnya saya kembali terdampar disini, nulis lagi ...