Most Delphi Hater Blog related news are at: – Delphi Haters' Blog

SmartMobileStudio update 23 Aug 2013 | 04:49 pm

There is an article correction. You can see the evolving status of the Dutch PasCon talk at this thread. As for whether this blog is biased, this blog raises both sides of the debate and tries to inf...

SmartMobile Studio dumped from Dutch PasCon event? 21 Aug 2013 | 01:56 pm

The people at Embarcadero must be so fearful of revenue dilution that according to Dutch Pascal Conference event, the talk scheduled at 14:00 is rescheduled. According to the SMS guys, the talk is ca...

More Delphi Hater Blog related news:

Hating On Stevie Ray - Part 3: You, Me, The Hot Shots, and The Haters (Blog Post) 8 Aug 2013 | 12:20 am

Series Index Hating On Stevie Ray - Part 1: Best Blues Guitarist Or Best Guitarist? Hating On Stevie Ray - Part 2: The Blues Is Small, Music Is Big We’re only two parts into this series of posts an...

Credit Cards are Bad for Your Financial Health: It’s Science 30 Nov 2011 | 07:03 pm

I am one of the few credit card haters among personal finance bloggers. Most of my blogging colleagues advocate their use to gain cash back “rewards.” Many bloggers go beyond mere use advocacy – they ...

Blogger Finger 15 Jul 2010 | 10:06 pm

Well! I've sure had a nice relaxing blog-free year. No worries, no haters, no Nooglers wandering by my office and staring at me through the window as if they expect me to crap in my hand and hurl it a...

An open letter to Adrian Taylor, Roller Derby hater 8 Dec 2011 | 09:33 am

A post taken from Denny’s blog… “An open letter to Adrian Taylor, Roller Derby hater 6 Dec NOTE: This post has nothing to do with cooking. I apologize, but I have very few outlets for my frustratio...

Story vs. Spectacle on YouTube 7 Feb 2012 | 10:00 am

"Listen up, hater!" YouTube is hardly the perfect platform for a traditional, narrative filmmaker. Most scripted projects get buried by the daily video blogs and Epic Meal Times of the world. It’s a...

Ein Geschenk für Anonym... 14 Nov 2011 | 11:32 am

Gestern habe ich unter meinem Schminktherapie 12.11.2011 Post das erste Hater-Kommentar auf diesem Blog entdeckt: Ich kenne solche Kommentare von YouTube und eigentlich finde ich sie jetzt in der ...

BEWARE of DOG! 23 Feb 2012 | 06:29 pm

HAHA x perLu baca BLOG aku kaLau kau benci aku! :D aku x pernah suruh and paksa sp² baca BLOG aku :) bukan nak bajet hot or what, cuma sedikit penat, so enough enough enoughLa :D HATER'S GO AWAYY FRO...

Blogging again 13 Oct 2010 | 03:11 pm

Yes. I'll be back real soon. Haters are still welcome. Stalk all you want people. Now, let me read on again about HTML/CSS codes and stuff.

Revenge of the Blogosphere: Haters & Comment Moderation 20 Nov 2010 | 12:02 am

I started this blog back in 2004 as a place to mouth off about my life. It was a natural extension of the long and winding emails I was sending out to groups of friends. Back then, only the "cool kids...

I'm a sue me!!...Fuck am I gon' blog about?? 28 Jan 2009 | 11:33 am

I feel like bloggin' just for the one person who cares at all what i'm doing, and all the rest of you haters and lurkers. Yeah, I know you haters click the link from my facebook page just to