Most Delphi IOS Beta related news are at:

SmartMobileStudio update 23 Aug 2013 | 04:49 pm
There is an article correction. You can see the evolving status of the Dutch PasCon talk at this thread. As for whether this blog is biased, this blog raises both sides of the debate and tries to inf...
SmartMobile Studio dumped from Dutch PasCon event? 21 Aug 2013 | 01:56 pm
The people at Embarcadero must be so fearful of revenue dilution that according to Dutch Pascal Conference event, the talk scheduled at 14:00 is rescheduled. According to the SMS guys, the talk is ca...
More Delphi IOS Beta related news:
In Google, no one can hear you scream 16 May 2012 | 04:51 am
Google’s Chrome Browser Is Coming For iOS, Says Macquarie Google Chrome for iOS Beta Google zbožňuje webaplikace…Podobné články: Pozvánky do Google Wave Přijde změna základních konceptů OS? Správ...
IPA Parser for Codeigniter 7 Feb 2013 | 07:34 pm
It’s been a while since the last time i posted something related to open-source projects. So a while back i discovered a website called “Test Flight App” and it’s a website for testing your iOS beta a...
Galcon 2 – beta9 – iOS beta, Linux beta, and more options! 13 Apr 2013 | 02:26 am
Hey there! Another swell Galcon 2 beta is available for Kickstarter backers on Windows, Mac, Linux (Ubuntu 12.04), and for a select few, iOS! I’ve set up a server for Galcon 2 finally, you can try out...
BaoNet - Ứng dụng đọc báo siêu nhanh trên iOS ra mắt. 22 Jun 2013 | 12:22 pm
BaoNet - Ứng dụng đọc báo siêu nhanh trên iOS ra mắt. Sau một thời gian mong đợi của nhiều user, phiên bản BaoNet iOS Beta chính thức có mặt trên Appstore. Ưu điểm nổi bật: - Tốc độ nhanh nhất, tiế...
iOS 7 lancio 10 settembre confermato in una email. iOS beta 7 e 8 non ci saranno 27 Aug 2013 | 02:33 pm
iOS 7 per tutti, ovvero la versione finale, potrebbe uscire il 10 settembre. Lo conferma una email ricevuta dal noto e autorevole sito
iOS7 beta 4 çıktı 29 Jul 2013 | 11:59 pm
iOS beta 4 çıktı, beta 3 ile aram çok iyiydi umuyorum beta 4 de skype vs. birçok çalışmayan uygulamayı çalışır görürüm. Henüz inceleyemedim ancak bu gecemi kendisine ayırdım. Haberiniz ola. Tags: A...
iOS 7 lancio 10 settembre confermato in una email. iOS beta 7 e 8 non ci saranno 27 Aug 2013 | 02:33 pm
iOS 7 per tutti, ovvero la versione finale, potrebbe uscire il 10 settembre. Lo conferma una email ricevuta dal noto e autorevole sito
iOS7 beta 4 çıktı 29 Jul 2013 | 11:59 pm
iOS beta 4 çıktı, beta 3 ile aram çok iyiydi umuyorum beta 4 de skype vs. birçok çalışmayan uygulamayı çalışır görürüm. Henüz inceleyemedim ancak bu gecemi kendisine ayırdım. Haberiniz ola. Tags: A...
BBM for Android/iOS 23 Aug 2013 | 08:31 am
Beta Zoneにすでに上がっているらしいAndroidやiOS用のBBMクライアントのマニュアルが公開されたらしい。少なくなったとは言え、6000万人はいると言われているBBMユーザーが増えるかも。 そのマニュアルを [...]
iOS7 beta 4 çıktı 29 Jul 2013 | 11:59 pm
iOS beta 4 çıktı, beta 3 ile aram çok iyiydi umuyorum beta 4 de skype vs. birçok çalışmayan uygulamayı çalışır görürüm. Henüz inceleyemedim ancak bu gecemi kendisine ayırdım. Haberiniz ola. Tags: A...