Most Denver Snuffer Speak related news are at:

Current Events 26 Aug 2013 | 11:21 pm
There have been quite a few emails and comments about the notice I put up on the blog regarding a disciplinary council. Let me respond to some of the questions by clarifying a few things. There are l...
Correction on Boise Venue Size 24 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm
I made a mistake on the size of the Boise venue. It will hold 400, not 200. I've updated that post and make a note of that here. I did not want anyone to attend any of the talks, including the first ...
More Denver Snuffer Speak related news:
General Discussions • Re: What Say Ye? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:16 pm
leth wrote: People do not need Denver Snuffer to follow Jesus Christ. They do need the Church to receive the saving ordinances though. True. Heeding the words in the Book of Mormon and likening them ...
Strengthening Members Committee Alive And Well? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:36 pm
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2013, at 07:36 AM Strengthening Members Committee Alive And Well? Original Author(s): Renewed Filed Under: SURVEILLANCE (SCMC) From some new comments by Denver Snuffer on his bl...
josephsmidt on Yes, Denver Snuffer should be facing a disciplinary action. (13 hours ago) 27 Aug 2013 | 09:56 pm
Two things: 1. I completely agree. This whole "but why should I be disciplined for simply telling the truth?" is just garbage. His "truth" is out to make the church look like it has gone astray. This...
Yes, Denver Snuffer should be facing a disciplinary action. 27 Aug 2013 | 08:39 pm
In the blogging world, conversations abound about this guy, Denver Snuffer. He is facing church discipline about a book he wrote called "Passing the Heavenly Gift." As with many people who face disci...
Occupy Denver Quick Link List 22 Nov 2011 | 08:22 pm
SPREAD THE WORD, SPEAK YOUR PEACE Quick link list for information on Occupy Denver: Livestreams: (Note - streams aren't always live, but most continue broadcasting) Ustream (OccupyDen) Ustream (Oc...
Responsive Drupal, Today... 4 Nov 2011 | 02:44 am
The time is here again to vote on sessions for DrupalCon!! This spring, Jake Strawn will be speaking (pending approval) on Creating Responsive & Mobile First Drupal Themes at DrupalCon Denver. This ...
Denver Quarterback Tim Tebow Set To Speak At Trinity Christian Event 29 Jun 2011 | 02:29 am
Trinity Christian School has lined up Denver Broncos quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow to speak at its annual fundraiser next spring. The event scheduled for next April 23rd will include...
"A setback for state tax freeze" 1 Jun 2008 | 04:18 am
Denver Post editorial The Post laments Denver District Court Judge Christina Habbas' decision finding a state tax increase unconstitutional. Of course they do. The Post's use of double-speak would p...
TEDx Crestmoor Park 2011 – Denver – Avram Gonzales and InspirACTION 15 Sep 2011 | 11:39 am
TEDx Crestmoor Park is happening September 21st. The theme is “Elevate, Engage, Empower.” I’ve always dreamed of speaking at a TED event ever since I watched the first video on their website. If you ...
Where I’ve been 29 Apr 2009 | 08:12 am
I’m a speaker at Affiliate Convention, which is in Denver from June 17-20th. The topic that I’m speaking on is “Representing the Interests of Affiliates”, where I’ll cover the key issues that affiliat...