Most Dialog Kesedihan related news are at:

Kisah Patahnya Sayap Malaikat Langit 17 Aug 2013 | 04:24 pm
Diriwayatkan pada suatu hari, Malaikat Jibril mendatangi Rasulullah SAW dan berkata, "Ya Rasulullah, aku telah melihat seorang malaikat di langit sedang berada di atas singgasananya. D sekitarnya ter...
Detik-Detik Wafatnya Nabi Muhammad SAW 22 Jul 2013 | 11:17 am
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Kisah yang sangat mengharukan, dijamin akan meneteslah semua air mata bagi siapa saja yang membacanya. Bukan saja manusia yang menangis, tapi seluruh penghuni langit dan bumi...
More Dialog Kesedihan related news:
Cara Cepat Menonaktifkan User Account Control (UAC) di Windows Vista 20 Mar 2011 | 07:20 am
Anda sering terganggu dengan dialog popup berisi konfirmasi Windows Vista yang meminta Anda menggunakan akses dokumen/program dengan level Administrator? Selain popup ini mengganggu, ada kalanya kita ...
boxy 0.1.4 21 Sep 2008 | 11:00 am
Somewhat delayed but hopefully worth the wait, boxy 0.1.4 is ready. Boxy is a Facebook-style dialog library for jQuery with a rich API for manipulating windows. It’s also pretty well documented. Chan...
Tak Dapat Kurasakan 22 Jun 2011 | 03:47 pm
rembulan tak tampak di langit yang kelam dihadapanku bintang-bintang redup berkerlip hati remuk akan emosi kesedihan cinta telah pergi yang menyisakan nestapa saus tomet nan manis tak lagi tera...
Image Replacement Script with jQuery for WordPress 2 Aug 2011 | 12:23 pm
Here’s a script to ease the use of image replacements for WordPress users. When hovered, the src of the image will be replaced by a url which you define in the alt attribute in the image editor dialog...
Embedding Trips Made Easy 30 Nov 2007 | 10:06 pm
All trips now have an Embed dialog, which makes it quick and easy to add a TripTracker Map Widget with your favorite trip to your web page or blog: To embed a trip, click the link and choose a widget...
boxy 0.1.4 21 Sep 2008 | 11:00 am
Somewhat delayed but hopefully worth the wait, boxy 0.1.4 is ready. Boxy is a Facebook-style dialog library for jQuery with a rich API for manipulating windows. It’s also pretty well documented. Chan...
Suppress Bodiless Email Dialog in Gmail 19 Nov 2010 | 05:48 pm
Use this simple trick to suppress the bodiless email dialog that pops up when you try to send an email without any body text in Gmail. When you try to send an email without any body text using Gmail ...
The Language You Use 20 May 2011 | 08:30 am
The ability to receive what you desire is based on what you ask. To be effective in what you ask, you need to use the proper language. To connect, prospect, and generally open dialog with people, whet...
How to Embed Music in a PowerPoint Presentation 20 Dec 2008 | 12:02 am
In PowerPoint, highlight the slide where you want the music to start. From the menu, choose: INSERT > MOVIES AND SOUNDS > SOUND FROM FILE Browse in dialog box to choose music file. Answer “Do you w...
Version 2.0.8 Released 5 Apr 2011 | 03:44 pm
Version 2.0.8 of Robo Defense has been released: Fixes: - Improved Upgrade Dialog rendering on smaller and larger screens - Fixed score rollover issue that can occur when reward points/level get high...