Most Dingoo related news are at:

Retrocollect’s JXDS7300"B" Review (Or rather, JXD 7300)! 25 Aug 2013 | 09:08 am
A fresh (OK, July wasn’t that long ago now, was it?) review of the JXD S7300 has been posted on Retrocollect, and other than the fact that it’s called a JXD S7300B review, it’s a pretty good review! ...
SNESFan’s videos of Nvidia Shield running PSP/PS1/N64/Retroarch! 25 Aug 2013 | 08:41 am
Enjoy, as SNESFan runs the Nvidia shield - ugliest, heaviest, most expensive - and most kick ass emulation console on Planet Terra his side of 2013 through it’s emulation paces. Sure, you can run Sha...
More Dingoo related news:
I'm back 24 Oct 2011 | 07:30 am
Sorry the long delay, but I have a good news: A new release of NeoGeo emulators AES4ALL and NEO4ALL for Dreamcast and Dingoo (legacy Dingux). Now, AES4ALL has SD-Card support (yes, MMU using SD inste...
DCaSTaway RC-6 for Dreamcast 8 Apr 2011 | 10:12 pm
I have a debt to release the latest release candidate of DCaSTaway for Dreamcast (only released for Dingoo-A320), but I need some time for coding Dreamcast SD-Card support and fix the STOP bug of FAME...
A promise is a promise 5 Apr 2011 | 09:28 pm
I just released a new version of UAE4ALL for Dreamcast and Dingoo after we fix STOP problem in FAME, well, really STOP problem has not been fixed but we have reversed subversion revision that do this ...
I did it ! 15 Mar 2011 | 01:51 am
Awesome! I have could speed increase (even more) for Dreamcast and Dingoo A320: A lot of games run very close to full speed and also it support SD cards for savestates and load/save diskimages. The ...
The 10 Days of Dingoo Competition. Easier than falling off a bike … 6 Dec 2011 | 10:58 am
The indomitable guys at can’t get enough of the eyeballs you all so generously donate, and although the response to their last sponsored competition was, shall we say, anaemic, you can...
Dingoo A 320: Game Suporta Diversos Emuladores, Música e Vídeos 8 Jan 2011 | 03:41 am
Dingoo A320 é mais um dos Games Station Portátil que chegou para ficar! Não é tão conhecido como o PSP ou Nintendo DS, mas já tem tantos fãs no Brasil que pode entrar no páreo para disputar o micro ga...
Startseite 21 Sep 2010 | 11:25 am File Archives: Pandora Caanoo Dingoo WIZ GP2X Zodiac GP32 OpenSource Handhelds und Zubehör im GP2X Shop:
Dingoo A-320 Black Game Console 24 Jul 2012 | 11:20 pm
Product Info: Outlook: premium design fashionable, slim and portable size with comfortable hand grip. Display: 16,000,000 color 2.8-inch LTPS-TFT true color high-definition screen , broadcast effect...
Dingoo A320 White Game Console 24 Jul 2012 | 11:20 pm
Product Info: Outlook: premium design fashionable, slim and portable size with comfortable hand grip. Display: 16,000,000 color 2.8-inch LTPS-TFT true color high-definition screen , broadcast effect...
Dooom - A Doom port for the Dingoo Native OS 25 Apr 2013 | 10:02 pm
the_wub has released a port of doom for the native os.