Most Dorje Shugden related news are at:

Is It Alright Not To Obey The Dalai Lama Now? 21 Aug 2013 | 07:34 am
By Mar Nee Many times in the past His Holiness the Dalai Lama has cautioned practitioners of Buddhism, monks and laity alike, not to engage in the worship of worldly gods and deities or indeed establ...
The Four Great Sera Mey Lamas 20 Aug 2013 | 02:49 am
Below are four great masters from Sera Mey who are Dorje Shugden practitioners. Not only are they great masters, three of them are also respected ex-abbots. 1. Gyalrong Kensur Ngawang Thekchok of ...
More Dorje Shugden related news: 13 Sep 2012 | 05:11 pm
The Ultimate Friend & Protector Saturday 1 December, 10am-5pm Sunday 2 December, 10am-1pm Dorjechang Centre, Oakleigh, Herbert Rd, SW19 3SH map . Dorje Shugden is our ultimate friend and protector; by...
The Four Great Sera Mey Lamas 20 Aug 2013 | 02:49 am
Below are four great masters from Sera Mey who are Dorje Shugden practitioners. Not only are they great masters, three of them are also respected ex-abbots. 1. Gyalrong Kensur Ngawang Thekchok of ...
Parkour for protection 11 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am
or watch on our server: In his compassion, Dorje Shugden moves at the speed of thought when you call for his help…so can this traceu...
Basis for the Dorje Shugden ban proven false 22 Jul 2013 | 10:27 pm
Dr Lobsang Sangay addressing the crowd during the 52nd Tibetan Democracy Day Celebrations, September 2, 2012 By: Shashi Kei In 1996, the Tibetan government in exile, now known as the Central Tibetan...
佛光山 佛陀紀念館 19 Nov 2011 | 10:58 am
位於台灣高雄縣。二○○三年舉行安基典禮,預計二○一一年竣工。興建緣起於一九九八年星雲大師至印度菩提伽耶傳授國際三壇大戒,當時西藏喇嘛貢噶多傑仁波切(Kunga Dorje Rinpoche),感念佛光山寺長期為促進世界佛教漢藏文化交流,創設中華漢藏文化協會,並舉辦世界佛教顯密會議,乃至創立國際佛光會等,是弘揚人間佛教的正派道場,遂表達贈送護藏近三十年的佛牙舍利心願,盼能在台灣建館供奉,讓正法永存,...
Third Anniversary of the Ven. Trogawa Rinpoche's Death 10 May 2008 | 11:14 pm
The following account is from Emchi Shakya Dorje's website: "The great healer Ven.Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche left the world on May 11, 2005. He had not been ill apart from a hip injury. He spent the last mo...
Visit Shakya Dorje's Gallery of Photos 20 Feb 2008 | 03:18 am
For other photos fo Dr. Trogawa Rinpoche and Chagpori, visit Emchi, Shakya Dorje's webpages by clicking on the title above.
A Brief Overview of Tibetan Medicine by Dr. Trogawa, Rinpoche 1 Aug 2007 | 05:42 pm
The following transcript is a portion of a talk delivered by Dr. Trogawa on June 9, l989. The translator was Shakya Dorje. Dr. Trogawa Rinpoche Overview of Tibetan Medicine Translator: Good evening ...
Agate Dorji (Pre-Order) 22 Mar 2012 | 08:17 pm
Code: A6083 Price: RM 190.00 Free shipping with 1 item of accessories The Dorje is the substantive symbol of Vajrayana Buddhism.The Sanskrit term vajra stands for “the hard or powerful one”, and it...
Cuil. Vs Google 31 Jul 2008 | 01:11 am
Brincadeira do site Brand Singularities, via Dorje. Dei uma testada nesse Cuil. Não veio nada do que eu precisava... e achei confusa a interface. O Google ainda tem a qualidade da simplicidade, uma l...