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Free TwitPic Clone script in PHP 29 Oct 2010 | 05:26 pm

Demo  /  Download Price = Free Here is a twitpic clone script and that too an open source. Drippic is a drupal based module which can be installed to run a twitpic like website.The features are as f...

How To: Using Drupal Twitter Module 23 Aug 2010 | 06:13 am

Une démonstration en vidéo du module Twitterpar Matt Petrowsky. Une autre démo de ce module est disponible ici : Twitter module Voir la vidéo (19 min) : Infos : Le .mov (Quicktime) : TwitterModule...

Views jQFX Galleria 17 Feb 2011 | 05:56 pm

New Demo: HTML Caption Layer Basically Galleria is a stellar themable customizable javascript photo gallery and this module integrates it with Drupal 7. Image galleries can be created from images in...

Views jQFX 30 Jan 2011 | 08:51 pm

Galleria Folio Demo in a Block Reference Upgrading StuffI'm currently trying to get caught up on this site and the jQFX modules. Code changes in Drupal and in the Galleria plugin have led to some new...

forDrupal's Platino Drupal Theme Review 24 Jan 2010 | 03:37 am's Platino theme is designed for social websites, its demo displaying it incorporated with the Flag module, and some custom PHP work to pull that information into user profiles, and displ...

Drupal menu link to MVC controllers 21 Nov 2012 | 05:07 pm Someone asked me about using the Movico module and Drupals tabbed menu system. Since in the demo I never used the default system it was thought that this could not be done. Well it can. Her...

Movico: Drupal menu link to MVC controllers 21 Nov 2012 | 05:07 pm Someone asked me about using the Movico module and Drupals tabbed menu system. Since in the demo I never used the default system it was thought that this could not be done. Well it can. As ...