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Jonathan Banks iz Breaking Bada seli u Community 21 Aug 2013 | 12:42 am
Umjesto odrađivanja prljavih poslova Gusa Fringa i Waltera Whitea, Mike Ehrmantraut stat će iza katedre u Communityju.
Elementary: američki Sherlock uskoro na RTL Televiziji 19 Aug 2013 | 10:35 pm
Domaći RTL pohvalio se otkupom prošlojesenske američke adaptacije lika i djela Sherlocka Holmesa.
More Emily Owens Md related news:
Emily Owens, MD Pilot Screenshots & Episode Review 13 Oct 2012 | 10:11 pm
It’s interesting that the Emily Owens, MD pilot episode is already downloadable (for free!) on iTunes, but hasn’t officially aired on the CW yet! (October 16th is the official pilot air date). So I ...
Justin Hartley Shirtless in Emily Owens MD s1e03 13 Dec 2012 | 10:27 pm
Justin Hartley is shirtless in the episode "Emily and the Outbreak" of Emily Owens MD. Too bad the show has been cancelled.
Justin Hartley Shirtless in Emily Owens MD s1e03 13 Dec 2012 | 10:27 pm
Justin Hartley is shirtless in the episode "Emily and the Outbreak" of Emily Owens MD. Too bad the show has been cancelled.
Dvd Review Pilot Episode CW Tv Series (Emily Owens M.D.) Doctors Hospitals Drama Love Triangles & High School It's All Here 30 Jul 2012 | 03:03 am
Tags: Dvd Review, Pilot Review, Upcoming Tv Series Review, Television Series ReviewsPhotos courtesy of CW Network Dvd Review Pilot Episode CW Emily Owens M.D. Drama There's a new television series to ...
Emily Owens M.D. 12 Oct 2012 | 11:42 am
While I was enjoying my ‘ME’ time, I decided to spend it surfing the net. After taking some minutes looking for the best ecomatic salt cell that is available in the market, I decided to check out what...
Mamie Gummer is forging her own path 15 Oct 2012 | 07:05 am
Yes, she is Meryl Streep's daughter, but she's also an actress in her own right. After stage and TV work, she's starring in her first series, 'Emily Owens, M.D.' Mamie Gummer is her mother's daughter...
Review: 'Emily Owens, M.D.' — love it or hate it, it's up to the viewer 16 Oct 2012 | 05:30 pm
"Emily Owens, M.D.," the CW's new medical comedy/drama starring Mamie Gummer, is smartly written and well played, with the flavor of a young adult novel. I happen to like "Emily Owens, M.D.," the CW'...
Emily Owens M.D. 1x06 28 Nov 2012 | 04:26 am
HOJE A PARTIR DAS 11:00, NO HORÁRIO DE VERÃO A PARTIR DAS 00:00 Assistir Filmes Online Gratis Dublado Legendado
theCW setzt Emily Owens, M.D. ab 29 Nov 2012 | 07:33 pm
Wie der amerikanische Sender theCW heute bekannt gab, wird die Arztserie Emily Owens, M.D. mit Justin Hartley in einer der Hauptrollen nicht verlängert. Bisher wurden sechs Episoden gesendet, doch nac...
TV Schedule: 2012.12.31-2013.01.06 29 Dec 2012 | 08:50 pm
Monday: The Mob Doctor 1x11 Sibling Rivalry (FOX) Tron: Uprising 1x15 State of Mind (Cartoon Network) Tuesday: Emily Owens M.D. 1x08 Emily and…the Car and the Cards (CW) Parenthood 4x12 Keep On Row...