Most Evil Cake Lady related news are at:

Happy 2013, and a Peanut Butter Mousse Tart 2 Jan 2013 | 03:54 am
Happy new year, everyone! I have a couple of friends in town, and there is no better excuse to bake than friends around to feed. I have been going through a tart phase, and you may take that any way...
Chocolate Pumpkin Tart 14 Dec 2012 | 07:31 am
I have been trying to write this post since Thanksgiving, and for some reason I have the worst writer's block about it. This is a little sad since the baked good in question, the Chocolate Pumpkin Tar...
More Evil Cake Lady related news:
New blog member!! 19 Nov 2011 | 02:43 pm
Welcome to our newest member of the blog love family Chantell :) Chantell is from The Crazy Cake Lady Just a single mum of four darlings, who loves cake decorating, and who also struggles with anxie...
Patriotic Poke Cake 3 Jul 2010 | 04:29 am
Ladies and Gentleman, please give a warm welcome back to Cassie's baking abilities!!! In case you haven't been part of the unlucky few who live in my house and have been subjected to my bad baking la...
NSFW: Gaga Eats Cake 19 Nov 2012 | 05:31 pm
Lady Gaga tweeted a link to this video to her 30+ million followers of her making a video with famed photographer Terry Richardson.
Friday Flashback 10 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
AKA "I swipe a Mother's Day post from my other now-defunct blog" Remembering the Cake Lady Mom was always "the cake lady." Whether she was making cakes for her own kids' birthdays, graduations or we...
Что делать, если один из ваших сотрудников – неисправимый грубиян? 21 Aug 2013 | 11:36 pm
"Пора увольнять грубиянов". Проще сказать, чем сделать! Уважаемая Evil HR Lady! Недавно я прочел Вашу статью «Пора увольнять грубиянов». Проще сказать, чем сделать! Даже в условиях высокого уровня ...
An Employee Says She’s Being Sexually Harassed. Now what? 21 Aug 2013 | 06:05 pm
Dear Evil HR Lady, We recently had a female employee accuse her direct supervisor, a male, of sexual harassment. Now, we are very small, and don’t have an HR department. Could you point us in the rig...
How not to quit your job 21 Aug 2013 | 06:02 pm
Dear Evil HR Lady, I am looking to leave my job and have saved up enough money to take some time off afterwards. However, I would still like to negotiate an exit where I would commit to working...
I keep losing out to internal candidates 21 Aug 2013 | 06:01 pm
Dear Evil HR Lady, I have been doing a lot of interviews lately and for whatever reason seem to not be getting very far because almost all the positions were filled internally. When I ask for feedbac...
Can I fight my termination? 21 Aug 2013 | 05:59 pm
Dear Evil HR Lady, I was just terminated from my recent place of employment. I was under their “6 month probationary period”. Their reason for firing me was absenteeism. They were concerned that I ha...
My boss wants to know my ethnicity 13 Aug 2013 | 07:12 pm
Dear Evil HR Lady, I’m a senior manager at a large global company. I recently had my appraisal and shortly after getting feedback that “I needed to be a more vocal leader” my interim manager (now for...