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Stephane Gilmore the 35th Member of the Australian Surfing Hall of Fame 19 Feb 2013 | 04:14 pm
Stephanie Gilmore © Surfing Australia/Nikon Australian Surfing Hall of Fame Surf News - Five-times World Surfing Champion Stephanie Gilmore will be inducted as the 35th member of the Australian Surf...
The Fame Sandra Bullock 29 Nov 2012 | 02:05 pm
To view the flash content, please go to The Fame Sandra Bullock Το παιχνίδι «The Fame Sandra Bullock» είναι απλό και παίζεται με το ποντίκι του υπολoγιστή σου. Η διάσημη Sandra Bullock σου ανήκει για...
Pat Arnold, Balco 6 Oct 2005 | 03:54 pm
Pat Arnold, of fame, as well as the person who first brought the andro products to market is in the news, and not in a good way: Federal agents raid Illinois lab linked to BALCO s...
GPHC Food Pantry News 6 Jan 2012 | 12:48 am
By Sandra Henderson Food Pantry Manager Wow! December was an incredible month. I decided to put together (with the support of GPHC Executive Director Heather Leitch) an Adopt-a-Family program for th...
Junior Seau and Athlete’s Self Identity 3 May 2012 | 03:28 pm
After hearing the tragic news of future Hall of Fame linebacker, Junior Seau – committing suicide, it not only brought tears to my eyes to see such a successful man falter because of the mental instab...
Junior Seau Suicide Inflicted Gun Shoot Wound Reported Dead 3 May 2012 | 09:03 am
Breaking news on the future hall of fame NFL football player Junior Seau who has been reported dead from the Oceanside police department. Seau most known for his ferocious defense and sacking ability ...
MARTA FORTUNATO Beit Sahour (Cisgiordania), 28 maggio 2012, Nena News – Già nel momento in cui è stato siglato l’accordo per porre fine allo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri politici palestinesi, ...
Skyrim’s Theme Makes The Classic FM Hall of Fame 16 Apr 2012 | 02:10 am
UK radio site Classic FM recently asked fans to vote for their favorite classical pieces, and we’re happy to share news that Skyrim’s main theme, Dragonborn, cracked the Top 300 list at #238. Thanks ...
Off day links and news 15 Apr 2009 | 05:36 pm
Kinda bored so thought I would throw some stuff out there. Harry Kalas, famed Philadelphia Phillies broadcaster, and voice of NFL Films died yesterday at the age of 73. A member of the original Houst...
Mrs Sandra Peter Sent Me Spam Email 6 Jul 2011 | 12:30 am
Someone named Mrs Sandra Peter from email address sent me an offer to share her heritage. I have no idea who is this rich woman. Please don't take this news too seriously, because this...