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The euro crisis no one is talking about: France is in free fall [Fortune] 14 Jan 2013 | 06:01 am
A fascinating article by Fortune Magazine! A full read is mandatory. Given investors’ confidence in its sovereign debt, and its image as Germany’s principal partner in the sturdy, sensible “northern” ...
The Modern Side of J.C. Penney 4 May 2013 | 07:55 am
“Picked at random, a single J.C. Penney Co. store can be a remarkably unimpressive establishment.” So went the opening line of a long and generally laudatory September 1950 Fortune magazine article ab...
eVolo Magazine Cities of Tomorrow 8 Dec 2010 | 04:24 pm
eVolo Magazine is an exploration of the leading edge of building design. I was fortunate to contribute two articles to the third edition titled CITIES OF TOMORROW Envisioning the Future of Urban Habit...
Lipstick and other Cosmic Questions 9 Nov 2005 | 05:54 am
Master of Disaster Gerald Flurry has released the latest issue of the Trumpet magazine. I have not been fortunate enough to remove myself from the mailing list so far. Inside is a littany of articles...
Inkscape article in .net magazine issue 231 21 Jul 2012 | 09:07 pm
I’ve been fortunate enough to have an article (and, more importantly, my photo) published in the current .net magazine, issue 231. Entitled Escaping Photoshop, it’s a call to action for web designers ...
Marketing Magazine 26 Aug 2013 | 07:49 pm
Michelle DiPardo, Marketing Magazine, explores “How Green R U?”, SaskTel’s province-wide digital and social marketing campaign to boost the fortunes of their local football team. Read the full articl...