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Fakta Tentang Hantu Jenglot 12 Oct 2008 | 08:57 pm
still talking about jenglot. look at the hair ad the teeth of this ghost. it is getting longger and longger. it so scary is not it. i believe that you will so scare if you watch their eyes. no one can...
Penelitian Hantu Jenglot Di RSCM Jakarta 12 Oct 2008 | 08:50 pm
several years ago some doctors from RSCM Jakarta Heald a research about jenglot ghost. This research aimed to find the relationship between human and jenglot ghost. A jenglot is a vampire-like creatur...
Hidup Bersama Hantu Jenglot Gimana Rasanya? 12 Oct 2008 | 08:46 pm
Do you have jenglot puppets in your house? what ever you do with this mystical puppets, but it is better for you not to show it to your friends. i believe that your friends will be scary and scream. w...
Hidup Bersama Dengan Hantu Jenglot 9 Oct 2008 | 10:02 pm
This is what paranormal investigation group Seekers are determined to establish after bringing the now-famous ‘jenglot’ back to their Ampang headquarters for observation last Friday. Indonesian supern...
Penelitian Tentang Hantu Jenglot 9 Oct 2008 | 09:55 pm
A jenglot is a vampire-like creature resembling a small human with long hair. It is being shown at several museums, including the ongoing Pameran Misteri, Jin, Hantu dan Keranda at Sultan Alam Shah Mu...
Foto Hantu Jenglot 9 Oct 2008 | 09:28 pm
Do you know about jenglot ghost? the picture above is the picture of jenglot which i was taken from one of indonesian site which talking about this jenglot. the university student from jakarta and som...