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Die 30 Tage Challenge 27 Aug 2013 | 03:07 pm
Hey ihr Süßen, während ich das hier tippe schlürfe ich gerade genüsslich meinen Firestarter, einen Frühstücksshake, den ich während der Challenge kennen und lieben gelernt habe. Aber was genau ist de...
Drogerie Einkauf und neuer Header 25 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Guten Abend ihr Lieben, ich freu mich wahnsinnig, dass so viele positive Kommentare unter dem letzten Post hinterlassen haben! Und umso mehr freue ich mich, dass anscheinend auch viele an veganen Rez...
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ResQSoft | Computer Software Improvement | SOA | Legacy Programs | COTS | Modernize Computer Software Method 30 May 2012 | 06:27 pm
“ Unlike wholesale code generators, the ResQSoft tools write fresh, commented, high quality Java or .NET code that is maintainable by any good developer. Maintainability makes our software the best ...
Crontab Code Generator 23 Jun 2009 | 06:09 am
JSL Crontab Generator is a GUI application that can be used to create new crontab entries easily. Its a Javascript application – so it will run from your browser – there is no download/install involve...
Website QR Code Widget 20 Sep 2011 | 05:34 pm
Een QR code generator in uw website of blog met maar een regel code. QR4 heeft een QR code API voor ontwikkelaars om QR code generators in o.a websites en blogs te kunnen verwerken zodat het lijkt al...
iProperty Code Generators 1 Mar 2011 | 05:12 am
A contributing developer has donated 14 new scripts to vieleRETS this morning of which 4 are specifically used for building out iProperty code modifications for use in MLS projects. Earlier this week...
Code generation from RelaxNG 2 May 2012 | 09:42 pm
Anyone who has looked at a Scribus preferences file (scribus.rc) will be aware that the sheer amount of settings is daunting. There’s a C++ file named prefsstructs.h that defines on 470 lines of code ...
Free Amazon Gift Code Generator Hack Updated May 2012 23 Nov 2011 | 09:02 pm
Translate This Website Into Your Language, See The Right Sidebar Google Translate & Select Language:- This is the First time over the internet we are offering Free Amazon Gift Code Generator Hack 201...
Microsoft Points Code Generator 6 Aug 2011 | 11:49 am
Here is an easy and free Microsoft Points code generator available for download. Our program can provide you with numerous Microsoft Points codes at the click of a button. I provide new codes to the p...
Color Code Generator 28 Oct 2011 | 08:44 pm
Your favourite color code generator : Simply copy & paste to modify colors in your html code.
CSS3 code generators and css selectors 8 Sep 2011 | 01:41 pm
I saw this post and thought it may be useful. Here are 10 of the best css3 code generators for quickly adding css3 styles to your sites. SelectorGadget is a great way to quickly select elements. Poin...
CSS3 Code Generators 20 Dec 2011 | 04:30 am
It’s all gone the days of using Photoshop to create rounded corners for some web elements and to generate shadow effects on a website. CSS2.1 didn’t have more features for the current web design techn...