Most Game Engine Developer Portfolio related news are at:

Flax Project San Francisco trip to Game Closure 17 Nov 2011 | 02:04 am
So here’s the story about how Carl and I, ended up in Silicon Valley for 3 weeks last month, at a start-up games company in the valley. Game Closure is a start up HTML5 games company based in Palo A...
Catch up with the Flax Project – Busy times! 16 Sep 2011 | 01:35 am
Hey everyone, so it’s been nearly 5 weeks since we last posted. It’s been a crazy 5 weeks and it’s not over just yet. Unfortunately we have neglected to post on the site. So here is a catch up on what...
More Game Engine Developer Portfolio related news:
Flax HTML5 Game Engine Development Diary Part 11 3 Sep 2011 | 03:20 am
Well it’s that time again, it’s been just about three weeks since the first iteration of the Flax HTML5 Game Engine 0.1 and as promised we have tried really hard to stick to our time-boxed release sys...
Game Engine Development and Open Source 3 Feb 2012 | 03:06 pm
I need to remember to do occasional write ups on the development of the game engine for the continuation of the PHP game series that I started years ago. However, I’m stuck relearning OpenGL for OpenG...
The Best Game Engines for Indie Game Developers 17 Jan 2011 | 05:04 pm
People very often want to make a game either for fun or to sell it later. Very often small teams are made and begin the discussion about their new game. It has happened to me before many times and whe...
"Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript" Book 31 Jan 2012 | 01:08 am
Tags: books, for beginners, game engines, udk, unreal engine 3 Publishing house Packt Publishing, which is specialized on IT books in a whole and game development and game engines books in a particul...
Unreal Engine 8 Nov 2010 | 10:00 am
Developed by Epic Games, the Unreal Engine was first used in the shooter game "Unreal", in 1998. It is mainly used for first person shooter games. Listed in: Game Engines
CryEngine3 The New Game Engine from Crytek! 6 Apr 2009 | 10:22 pm
We’ve seen one of the most advanced gaming engines today evolve since farcry which was developed initially by Crytek based on the Cry Engine, We then witnessed CryEngine2 and the massive impact on the...
Cocos2D: Additive Coloring & Flash Style Tinting 14 Jan 2012 | 08:17 am
We all love Cocos2d. Well, I love Cocos2d and if you’re an iOS developer I’m sure you do too. I mean why not? It’s free and it’s a fantastic 2d game engine. Coinciding this love of Cocos2d comes a lov...
Battlefield 3 – 27/6/2011 28 Jun 2011 | 04:59 am
This is coming out in late October, and is the sequel to Battlefield 2, NOT Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Dice have developed a whole new gaming engine for BF3, called Frostbite 2, and graphics seen fro...
Paddy Power betting games 17 Jul 2009 | 08:14 am
Paddy Power betting games has developed its offering into a highly competitive product in the industry. The initial launch consisted of a total of three betting games, it has grown to a portfolio comp...
The Importance of Game Engine Authorship, Part 1 2 Feb 2011 | 07:40 am
Our local game developer club, Iowa Game-Dev Friendship, held what I think was our 8th game jam in Ames this weekend. As expected, it was an awesome time. This time my team had a big setback, and beca...