Most Getaway Rock News related news are at:

Testament klara för Getaway Rock Festival! 5 Mar 2013 | 02:00 pm
I förra veckan kunde vi presentera thrash metal-pionjärerna Exodus, idag kan vi med stor glädje meddela att även ett av världens mest inflytelserika thrash metal-band någonsin, Testament, också kommer...
Testament 5 Mar 2013 | 02:00 pm
Testament är legendarer på thrash metal-scenen och formades i San Francisco Bay Area 1983 med gitarristen Eric Peterson som fadersgestalt. Från början gick bandet under namnet The Legacy men fick byta...
More Getaway Rock News related news:
Praying Mantis and Voodoo Six Rock News 27 May 2011 | 12:12 am
> > PRAYING MANTIS: > > Praying Mantis have some exciting up and coming dates including HARD > ROCK HELL IBIZA, AERO ROCK STARZ, METALCOVA (SPAIN) & HARD ROCK HELL UK > (posted in the SLW Promoti...
lizzy mercier descloux 22 May 2010 | 05:28 am
...lizzy mercier first got busy in paris in 1975 helping to get the primitive nascent leather jack iggy rock/punk scene going by starting a zine called somewhat uninviting 'rock news' but it got the r...
Rock News!!! 19 Dec 2010 | 02:55 pm
GOOD NEWS REM FANS! After the long wait REM is releasing their 15th album yes your reading it correctly. The album according to my source will be out by March of 2011, by now they have this single wh...
Och Getaway rock festival va awesome!! 12 Jul 2012 | 06:32 am
Att hänga på rockfestival är så jäkla fantastiskt kul!! Man träffar så sjukt mycket roligt folk! Och inte tala om musiken!
RnRTV #296: Cult Bus Crash and Diamond Dave Explains 14 Jul 2012 | 03:26 am
Quicktime (click to view) Want bite sized rock news? Rock n Roll TV is for you! This episode – Cult frontman Ian Astbury describes the band bus crash; Diamond David Lee Roth talks Super Bowl; Lily Al...
RnRTV #297 – Stones 50th Plans and Boss n Macca Shutdown! 25 Jul 2012 | 08:40 am
Quicktime (click to view) Lookin’ for fast and furious rock news? You got it! The Stones throw hints around 50th plans; Boss and Macca shutdown in London; Tyler leaves and JLo follows; Meat Loaf sues...
RnRTV #298 – The Who Quadrophenia Tour and Live Sues 1 Aug 2012 | 04:44 am
Quicktime (click to view) Wanna get your rock news fast and furious? Welcome to Rock n Roll TV! Today – The Who tour Quadrophenia but there’s a special offer in Rhode Island; Live sue their singer; Li...
RnRTV #299 – Jeff Lynne Long Wave and Swatting and Lolla Tel Aviv 8 Aug 2012 | 11:37 pm
Quicktime (click to view) Ready for bite size rock news? Rock n Roll TV comin’ at ya! Jeff Lynne explains his Long Wave album; Miley Cyrus house stormed by SWAT; Incubus on hiatus or not; Lolla goes t...
RnRTV #300 – Dio’s House and Slash Talks Sesame Street 14 Aug 2012 | 10:28 pm
Quicktime (click to view) Wanna get rock news in a fast and furious way? Welcome to Rock n Roll TV! This episode: Dio’s childhood home for sale; Queensryche dispute; Scott Gorham memoir coming out and...
Keswick Hall A Wine Lover's Perfect Getaway Luxury News from 15 Aug 2012 | 01:19 am
By CRYSTAL GOH Nestled in the heart of Virginia’s winegrowing countryside,in the middle of the picturesque Monticello, lies Keswick Hall. In an areadescribed by Thomas Jefferson as “The Eden of the ...