Most Github Mit License related news are at:

LICEcap 1.23 24 Aug 2013 | 01:21 pm
LICEcap 1.23 (2013-04-26) Cockos Incorporated 무료 ∙ GPLv2 ∙ Mac+Windows ∙ download 간단한 화면 캡처 프로그램. 단점은 화면 크기 제한이 있고,(메뉴 바도 지원하지 않음) FPS가 낮으면 움직이는 화면을 정확히 캡처하지 않을 수도 있다는 거. 단축키도 일시정지만 있고, 마우스 포인터는 캡처...
GunSwords (Game) 22 Aug 2013 | 09:43 am
GunSwords One Button Studio 무료 ∙ Unity 3D ∙ Mac+Windows+Web ∙ download(204.0 MiB)
More Github Mit License related news:
iPhoneで横向きにした際の拡大バグを修正する「iOS-Orientationchange-Fix 」 1 Apr 2012 | 11:19 am
配布元:A Fix for the iOS Orientationchange Zoom Bug | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA 配布元:MIT License. iPhoneでは横向きにした際にViewportがzoomして拡大されてしまうバグ(仕様?)があります。対策としてよく利用される方法としては次のようにviewportにmaximum-scale...
iPhone / iPadなどでposition: fixedが利用できる「iScroll」 29 Jan 2011 | 09:23 am
配布元:iScroll ライセンス:MIT-License iPhone / iPad、Androidなどに搭載されているmobile WebKitではCSSのposition: fixedが利用できませんが、iScrollを利用することでこれらのプロパティを利用したようにヘッダーやフッターの固定が可能になります。 利用方法 まずは、head要素内などで配布サイトよりダウンロードしたライブ...
BitmapLibraryManager by gamepoetry 17 Apr 2012 | 10:23 pm
一个位图资源管理类。 协议:MIT License 地址:
FIVe3D 10 Oct 2011 | 10:08 pm
一个基于矢量图的3d引擎。 授权协议:MIT License 项目地址: 相关内容:
Home 18 Aug 2010 | 07:08 pm
S40 CMS is lightwieght flat file CMS written on PHP, suitable for small and medium sites. S40 is open-source MIT-license CMS developed by AWEN art studio Ltd. S40 is fast and easy to customize
Modernizr 10 Jun 2011 | 10:48 pm
Modernizr is an open source, MIT-licensed JavaScript library that detects support for many HTML5 & CSS3 features. You should always use the latest version. To use it, include the following <script> el...
Facebook Themes 29 Sep 2009 | 09:32 pm
Since many webmasters request Facebook themes for their social network sites, community sites or virtual sites. PhpFox just introduced Facebook theme for PhpFox V2. Released under the MIT License, Fac...
TempServers Source Code Released 28 Oct 2011 | 10:50 am
This post is just to announce that I have released the source code from TempServers on GitHub under the MIT license. The link to the repository is below. This code has been sitting here collecting dus...
Failtale 3 May 2010 | 08:30 pm
Calling all developers worldwide! We built an open source, MIT Licensed, free to use, remote error reporting tool that can do amazing things! Among it’s many features are: RESTful API, Open Source, Pl...
MVC and the Cakephp Framework 30 May 2012 | 11:11 pm
Cakephp is one of the most famous php frameworks. It was launched in 2005 under the MIT license. All the php frameworks are based on the MVC structure. Let’s understand what this structure is all abou...