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S.Agata Militello/Mistretta: Nessuna ancora di salvataggio. Il 13 settembre i tribunali chiudono 27 Aug 2013 | 06:08 pm
Nessuna proroga, nessuna ancora di salvataggio. In una intervista al quotidiano “Il Messaggero” il ministro della Giustizia ANNA MARIA CANCELLIERI ha confermato che...
S.Agata Militello: Il Pd alla riscossa. Festa Democratica, campagna di tesseramento, piena fiducia alla giunta e all’assessore di riferimento Puleo 27 Aug 2013 | 05:12 pm
Nel trascorso fine settimana si è svolta a S.Agata Militello l’assemblea cittadina del Partito Democratico. Il segretario sezionale, maestro ENZO CANONICO (foto ...
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GL Bowron features in today's Christchurch Press 29 Sep 2011 | 08:28 am
The Christchurch earthquakes which contributed to significant damage on the Lyttleton and the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch affected the 130 year old Bowron tannery with cracks on the ground,silt, m...
30-Second Fitness – A Compound Exercise for Faster Workouts with Jen Widerstrom 9 Nov 2012 | 10:46 am
. Trainer Jen Widerstrom’s kettlebell clean and press with a triceps extension is a great way to combine exercises to see results fast. Subscribe for New Episodes: All Episodes of 30-Second Fit...
EPA European Pressphoto Agency Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary 3 May 2013 | 08:07 pm
EPA celebrates it’s tenth anniversary with a collection of images available as an ebook. PRESS RELEASE On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of epa european pressphoto agency b.v. beginning its gl...
Hemp Seed Oil Organic Cold Pressed 500ml 24 Jun 2013 | 08:52 pm
Hemptons Organic Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil Hemp Seed oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids and more importantly, the Omega 6 and 3 are in a balanced 3:1 ratio. It's also a source of GL...
Indiana Department of Education Hires Third Party to Validate High Stakes ISTEP+ Data 10 Jun 2013 | 08:44 pm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, June 10, 2013 Media Contact: Daniel Altman, Press Secretary (317) 232-0550 INDIANAPOLIS – Today, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Gl...