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From Aqaba to Progress Bar 21 Aug 2013 | 10:25 pm

What’s your relationship to the tech in your life? In David Lean’s movie, Lawrence of Arabia, T.E. Lawrence, having just crossed the Sinai desert, strides into the British command post wearing Bed...

Make sure your charger is the real deal. 7 Aug 2013 | 12:51 am

Apple recently announced their USB Power Adapter Takeback Program, to deal with customer safety issues related to counterfeit products in the marketplace. Here’s how you can avoid purchasing counterfe...

More Griffin Outfit Flock related news:

【開箱】幾可亂真的水滴保護殼-GRIFFIN Outfit Mist Case iPod touch 4G 立體水珠雙色漸層保護殼(藍) 14 Jan 2011 | 11:51 pm

像是從剛下過雨的窗眺望放晴的藍天,GRIFFIN Outfit Mist Case突破一般的保護殼給人的印象,漸層的雙色烤漆再加上立體的水珠狀塗層,外觀令人眼睛為之一亮。童心未泯的你,可能也會覺得裝上保護殼的iPod touch 4G像是一罐正在退冰的飲料,不斷從表面冒出水珠,立體的水珠也有奇妙的觸感。 除了特別的保護殼表面之外,以聚碳酸酯的材質製成的堅硬外殼可防止iPod touch機背刮花,...