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Assad protiv Egipta zbog prekida odnosa 17 Jun 2013 | 07:50 pm
Mursi je od libanonskog Hezbollaha, koji se bori na strani Bashara al-Assada, tražio da napusti... more »
Wer startet 2010 bei der Agility Weltmeisterschaft? 5 Sep 2010 | 08:07 pm
Small Hinky Nickels mit Pitch (Sheltie) Ilona Rinke mit Leeroy (Papillon) Paul Hirning mit Jet (Sheltie) Renate Käsgen & Chayenne Midi Stephanie Tiemann mit Chilly (Manchester Terrier) Daniel S...
DHUnplugged #189: Hinky Action 31 Jul 2013 | 05:33 pm
There is a ton of info that will be flowing over the next few days. Aside from earnings, the Fed is releasing its monthly decision and the official jobs report comes Friday. Revisions to GDP as well. ...
Assadova vojska hemijskim oružjem usmrtila 1.100 osoba 21 Aug 2013 | 10:40 pm
Nacionalno prelazno vijeće Sirije (SMDK) saopćilo je da je u napadima vojske predsjednika Bashara al-Assada u Istočnoj Guti u Damasku, u kojima je korišteno i hemijsko oružje, ubijeno 1.100 osoba
Smoke and Suspense 27 Aug 2013 | 07:16 am
When a sheltered city girl ends up in a forest fire camp where things are more than a little hinky, she’s going to have a very eye-opening summer… Smokescreen, by Nancy Hartry Tundra Books, ISBN: 97...
Assadova vojska hemijskim oružjem usmrtila 1.100 osoba 21 Aug 2013 | 10:40 pm
Nacionalno prelazno vijeće Sirije (SMDK) saopćilo je da je u napadima vojske predsjednika Bashara al-Assada u Istočnoj Guti u Damasku, u kojima je korišteno i hemijsko oružje, ubijeno 1.100 osoba
Hinkie Takes a Flyer 6 Jul 2013 | 05:12 pm
No pun intended. In a move that appears to be spinning wheels and helping out an old friend, Sam Hinkie has traded for Royce White - an average D-Leaguer with anxiety problems (and a Twitter obsession...
Dear Sam Hinkie, 28 Jun 2013 | 08:43 am
I get it, I really do. You traded your best asset for essentially the #1 pick in this year's draft and a probable lottery pick in next year's draft. You've made the team bad...Bobcats bad. They're goi...
(Weak) Draft (Class) Day is Finally Upon Us! 27 Jun 2013 | 05:34 pm
When David Stern strides to the podium tonight to announce the Sixers selection in the 2013 draft we might get our first glimpse into Sam Hinkie's team-building strategy. Or maybe we'll just get to se...
Wrong Bynum, Hinkie 15 Jun 2013 | 12:43 am
In shocking news, the Sixers are reportedly, maybe, possibly interested in Will Bynum (no relation).