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Spa Hotels and Resorts Wellness Destinations 16 Jul 2010 | 01:17 am
The emergence of spas is not recent. Earlier spas were located near a natural spring offering holistic wellness treatment to the visiting public. The term is more than often referred in conjunction wi...
Checklist of the Vital Needs of a French Bulldog 9 Apr 2012 | 08:29 am
To some, a dog may just seem the same as the other one, they eat, they play, they sleep, and they leave a mess, could it get more complicated than that. Well, basically they do have the same needs, bu...
North Face Sale jointly to appear to be considered a rap song 17 Apr 2012 | 06:25 pm
More Drake! developing enjoyment of Drake in 2012 is executed out, it's the equivalent of developing enjoyment oor chic ed hardy Hardy in several years past: just as well basic and obvious. So let's g...
Why is 7Log 4.0 on hiatus? 10 Dec 2011 | 07:38 pm
Just wanted to make a post as to why 7Log 4.0 hasn’t been release. Well, basically, I’ve COMPLETELY lost access to a Windows Vista PC, which the main feature of 7Log 4.0 was to add Vista. You can see ...
Challenges, Thank You Cards and a CI Wedding! :) 6 May 2012 | 07:20 am
Time is flying by and taking a month off work didn't help much because time flew by even quicker :) For all who were wondering why CI was closed in April, well basically I was getting married, hence....
Paella Cookout @ Agua, Straits Quay, Penang 4 May 2012 | 10:07 pm
~dusts cobwebs from this lil cyber space~ Hi! I’m back! So where have I disappeared to for the past year or so, you may ask? Well, basically, juggling my day job and my other ‘night’ job (where I’ve ...
AFA X 2010 20 Nov 2010 | 06:15 pm
Well basically my plan to Singapore was very sudden. So sudden that my friend told me that she had a ticket to let go, and it was on the day when SCANDAL will be performing, and it's at the front row ...
Valentine's Day 23 Feb 2008 | 02:40 am
How many of you guys out there are already taken? or how many of you guys were taken to a date or taking your partner to date? No offends to those who are still single. Well, basically a day before I ...
Happy Chinese New Year 6 Feb 2008 | 09:17 pm
Well basically just wanted to wish everyone a very Gong Xi Fa Cai !! Enjoy your holiday
ICF : International Cultural Fest 27 Feb 2012 | 11:02 am
A few days ago, I was so absorbed with the 'busy-ness' of ICF. What is ICF? I've stated it in the title haven't I? Well, basically it's an event which will be held yearly by the International Student...