Most Hormone Feminized Blogs related news are at:

A Feminized Husband is Forced 13 Jan 2011 | 05:32 pm
Goddess Starla is quite successful in the feminization of her husband, Randy. It’s been quite a bit of time now and the female hormones have had some effect on his skin and body, as you can tell from ...
Sissy Husband Humiliation to the MAX 2 Sep 2010 | 03:24 am
Goddess Starla was horny yesterday morning. Her sissy slave husband had a hard cock too, especially after his wife teased him until he needed release. This cuckolds wife had other plans tho. Refusing ...
More Hormone Feminized Blogs related news:
12 Langkah Memperbesar Payudara 25 May 2010 | 03:37 am
Ada beberapa hormon yang dapat membantu kita memperbesar payudara apabila ia dipacu : yakni estrogen, progesteron, prolaktin, dan hormon pertumbuhan. Hormon yang bekerja antagonis dengan “hormon femin...
Quick Update 23 Mar 2010 | 09:44 pm
Waa dah lama bgt ga update blog, salahkan hormon y! :)) Alhamdulillah kehamilan mo masuk 21 minggu, si dede' udah bisa nendang2 dlm perut, aktif bgt esp. klo momi kekenyangan hbs makan, gatau artinya...
For Courtney (: 1 Apr 2012 | 04:46 am
Yesterday Courtney feminized me into a french maid on her blog, so i'm returning the favour! Except she's a real i had to have her feminize me AGAIN! Check out her blog.. Courtney's Clean Ca...
cortisol hormone merembes 13 Mar 2012 | 02:36 pm
new sem begin weyh..eh2, dh nk masuk 3rd wik kot.. lembap gle gua ni...yup, lme gle x update blog yg usang ni...dlu tyme skola menengah, ade diary, ari2 gua update diary to x.. even gado kecik aty nga...
Yadda Yadda Yadda… A Baby Was Born 19 Jan 2012 | 07:50 pm
So… A about a year ago I started a blog. It was to be the daddy blog to top all daddy blogs: life in the trenches of impending fatherhood – straight from the source. There were stories of hormonal out...
A Feminized Husband is Forced 13 Jan 2011 | 05:32 pm
Goddess Starla is quite successful in the feminization of her husband, Randy. It’s been quite a bit of time now and the female hormones have had some effect on his skin and body, as you can tell from ...
I Need Feminism Because.. 20 Apr 2012 | 07:07 am
This blog on tumblr is pretty awesome. And it got me thinking about something I've wanted to write for a long time, but been too lazy to - one thing that I really detest about sexism. I think absolut...
Episode 1: Say It Ain't So Feminism 10 Dec 2007 | 09:22 am
A glimpse into comments on some of the most progressive US feminist sites and blogs on the internet. Quotes from Say It Ain't So Feminism Here are the quotes used in Say It Ain't So Feminism, in ord...
Two new thrilling episodes of stuff everybody reading this blog already knows anyway 7 Jul 2010 | 05:23 pm
Episode #2: Lady and the Tramp The guy that runs has decided to fight feminism by adding explanatory subtitles to the “We are Siamese” song from Lady and the Tramp. Literally, that’s ...
Ableism is not feminism. Spread the word. 9 Oct 2009 | 08:18 pm
I know this blog is in retirement (my internet time these days is practically nill), but when I saw Meloukhia’s An Open Letter to Feministing (hat-tip: Hoyden About Town) I had to cosign it. Yes, it’s...