Most Hp Microserver N40l related news are at:

[jquery] jquery-ui datepicker activex 위에 올리기 22 Apr 2013 | 10:34 am
아직도 IE에서 많이 사용되는 ActiveX... ActiveX 위에 Datepicker를 올리기 위해서는 iframe을 레이어 아래 깔아주면 됩니다. html 내에 iframe을 추가하여 beforeShow 에서 보이고 onClose에서 감추는것보다 동적으로 사이즈에 맞게 생성될 수 있도록 아래와 같이 datepicker option에 추가할 수 있...
자바 디컴파일러(Java Decompiler) JD-GUI 28 Jan 2013 | 09:10 am
GUI 형태의 자바 디컴파일러인 JD-GUI 입니다. windows, osx, linux를 지원하네요. - 사이트 URL : - 다운로드 : (2013-01-28 현재)
More Hp Microserver N40l related news:
HP MicroServer N40L and Gigabit HD 6450 horizontal flickering line 7 May 2013 | 05:15 am
I recently purchased a HP MicroServer N40L and half-height Gigabit Radeon HD 6450, after installing Windows 8 I noticed that a third from the screen was a flickering white horizontal line, noticeable ...
HP MicroServer N40L & Nas4Free: Το τέλειο HomeNas Part 1 7 Jan 2013 | 04:57 pm
Σε προηγούμενα άρθρα είδαμε πως μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε DIY λύσεις υπολογιστών και μαζί με τη χρήση του Freenas, να φτιάξουμε, με πολύ οικονομικό τρόπο, τον δικό μας κεντρικό χώρο αποθήκευσης για...
Review of the HP (Hewlett Packard) v165 USB Flash Memory stick 6 Sep 2012 | 03:50 pm
As published on the product page… I selected this model on the basis of the fact it’s very small, has no flashing lights and carries a relatively huge capacity. I wanted to use this in my HP Microserv...
ZFS and Ubuntu Home Server howto 21 May 2013 | 09:25 pm
A while ago I bought myself a HP Microserver – a cheap, low power box which has four 3.5″ drive bays and an optical drive bay. I bought it to run as a home server which would back up all my data as we...
HP MicroServer Gen8 13 Jun 2013 | 03:56 pm
What can i say about the HP MicroServer, if you haven’t heard of it then I’m not entirely sure what you have been doing since HP released their first version way back in 2010. Championed by most of th...
i have hp Microserver gen8 and untangle 9.4 26 Aug 2013 | 06:30 am
untangle 9.4 install on my server. but i can't use embeded network card please help me microserver.png Attached Images microserver.png (80.1 KB)
RAID 1 proliant microserver n40L y linux debian 27 Aug 2013 | 01:35 am
Buenas noches a todos. Pues este el problema, no consigo que funcione el RAID 1. Estoy instalando Debian Wheezy, y tengo dos disco WD NAS de 1 TB nuevos. Configuro el RAID en la BIOS todo parece co...
Setting up Open Media Vault on the HP MicroServer N54L 8 Aug 2013 | 01:21 am
I've installed Open Media Vault on my new HP ProLiant MicroServer G7 N54L to replace my aging, and lackluster, ReadyNAS NV. OpenMediaVault (OMV) is a network attached storage (NAS) solution based on ...
The new HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 - a great virtualization home lab server 15 Jul 2013 | 01:20 am
I’ve always liked the small size of the HP MicroServer which makes it perfect for use in a virtualization home lab, but one area that I felt it was lacking was with the CPU. The original MicroServer c...
Performance of a Storage Space Pool in Windows Server 2012 Essentials R2 Preview – Part 2 26 Aug 2013 | 04:54 am
By: John Stutsman Figure 1 — HP ProLiant N40L MicroServer Running Windows Server 2012 Essentials R2 Preview used in this Test In the previous paper Storage Spaces Performance in Windows Server 2012 ...