Most Hulkageddon Killboard related news are at:

From the ISD news network 24 Jan 2010 | 12:28 pm
hulkageddon ii ends with over 1,200 exhumers destroyed reported by ISD Clarity Brown | 2010.01.23 17:03:03 | NEW Abudban, Heimatar – The Hulkageddon II event, in which pilots competed to destroy the...
First Batch of winners: 18 Jan 2010 | 03:18 am
And the winners are *drumroll* GRAND PRIZES: 1st place: 138 Exhumers: The United 2nd place: 108 Exhumers: Final Agony 3rd place: 94 Exhumers: The Bastards Achievements: “Godlike!” – Grimveous (c...
More Hulkageddon Killboard related news:
Big update on the Hulkageddon V site! 15 May 2012 | 06:32 am
If you haven’t yet, go read the amazing news on the Hulkageddon V website! We’ve broken 1 Trillion isk in damages, over 5000 confirmed kills and DEATH THREATS have been received! click me for awesom...
The Stupid 11 May 2012 | 05:04 am
Just a very quick post (I don’t normally do this) to point out the most retarded forum thread related to hulkageddon I’ve ever seen. It contains both Jacob Staffuer and Xenuria both of whom are so vi...
Scorched Earth: The gift that keeps on giving. 7 May 2012 | 09:56 pm
“Hulkageddon is dead” “There’s no way it’ll happen again” “It’s old and stale and it’ll never be a success” Oh ye of little faith! All these things (along with the usual whines) can be read on the ...
Wolves at your doorstep. 5 May 2012 | 05:12 am
I’m pretty well known for my loud mouth and brashness, but man oh man, the way people play EVE sometimes makes it oh so difficult to keep things PG. For example, look at the Hulkageddon leaderboard r...
From the ISD news network 24 Jan 2010 | 12:28 pm
hulkageddon ii ends with over 1,200 exhumers destroyed reported by ISD Clarity Brown | 2010.01.23 17:03:03 | NEW Abudban, Heimatar – The Hulkageddon II event, in which pilots competed to destroy the...
Hulkageddon II comes to an end. 14 Jan 2010 | 01:41 pm
And that, as they say is that! After countless forum whines, hatemails, exploding people and ships, we have finally come to the end of the road for this iteration of Hulkageddon. And I can safely say...
Hulkageddon Update! 10 Jan 2010 | 01:03 am
Hello again my comrades and foes! Welcome to the Hulkageddon update! I just got up after some well-deserved sleep and am bringing you the latest from the frontlines! At the time of this writing, 643...
A few hours later. 8 Jan 2010 | 01:21 am
So, exhausted from typing into 23521 convo windows and channels, I went to sleep. Then I woke up and went to see the killboard. And what do Isee? 177 dead exhumers, 36 pods and 18 barges An early w...
What happened to The EvE Killboard Corporation?? 2 Feb 2012 | 04:28 am
Well the simple answer to that question is this: We closed it down!! What that means is that all the subdomains are gone and the kill databases are deleted. We are offering all our current and past cu...
You can't really grief in EVE 23 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Many people did not understand my point with ridiculing the Goon Ice Interdiction. They linked the Miniluv killboard as a proof that they do gank a lot. I do not question that. What I disproved is the...