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Tika Putri Baby Dolls Face Smile 15 Nov 2008 | 06:09 am
Well i think have not been posting for quite a long time,not only that my work is taking much of my time , thx to always reads Indonesian Girls Blog community Tika putri her site is...
How to pan Money With Indonesian Language Blog 3 Sep 2009 | 04:57 am
Having a blog also means increasing opportunities to make money from Internet. Here are some programs on the Internet that can be used to increase our income. Maybe a lot of headaches, Google Adsense...
Moved To A New Blog..... 5 Feb 2012 | 02:21 pm
Well, since most links here are dead I started a new blog, I'll see how many links I can find that are still ok and re-post them there ok. It will still be a mostly Indonesian music blog with some oth...
The Litmus Virginity Test for Indonesian Schoolgirls 22 Aug 2013 | 08:09 am
Blog Co- Author: Windy Once in every hundred years, mankind has the emergence of another Hitler or Atilla the Hun. In this context, I refer to the Chief of Education in Prabumulih City in Sumatra, M...
AdSense now speaks Indonesian 2 Feb 2012 | 02:26 pm
Finally, AdSense now speaks Indonesian. This is a great news for Indonesian publisher. We can monetize our website or blog in Bahasa Indonesia with Google Adsense. “We’re glad to announce that Indone...
Pertamax gan meaning 17 May 2012 | 07:32 pm
In internet have a lot of indonesian blog or indonesian communty, in blog usually in the comment it's always "pertamax gan!". In indonesian language, pertamax it's meaning pertama or in english is "f...
Hiatus 17 Jan 2010 | 02:31 am
There hasn’t been much update here lately. Well, lately I only have time to update my blog about learning Japanese, Yumeko. You can also read my blog about learning Indonesian language written in Japa...
The First Award From Abuginda 21 Apr 2009 | 03:05 pm
The First Award From Abuginda I was so happy, last week i opened my blog titled INDONESIAN FOLKTALE. Than i saw on my chatbox, there was a message from ANGGAARIE, that he has given me Awad for blogin...
Well Excuse Me 11 Apr 2011 | 10:16 pm
Oh dear. I'm very Naughty! So long between blog updates, I fear I may need a tap on the wrist! Well the story is this: I've started a new business with my sister called K & R Photography We are enj...
Ganhei o passatempo Vichy do blog Naughty Girl!! 4 Sep 2011 | 01:35 am
Estou tão feliz :) Ando a participar em passatempos e sorteios desde Janeiro e este é o primeiro que ganhei! Um muito obrigada à Naughty Girl que é uma querida e à Vichy, pois claro :D