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Netbook - Que sistema operacional usar? 21 Feb 2010 | 02:04 pm
Não podemos deixar de notar que os netbooks estão na moda. São menores e bem leves o que permite o melhor transporte, com seus modernos processadores Intel atom não deixam a desejar o que se propõem a...
Moore’s Law 13 Jan 2011 | 06:08 am
I have a new essay up at The Nervous Breakdown. Commentary on the effects of Moore’s Law, and my experience as a freelance writer working for Intel.
What is the law on copyright for tribute acts? 11 Jun 2009 | 05:57 am
Does anyone know about copyright in relation to tribute shows. I am a celebrity look alike and i also own some replica props from a TV show. Although i mhave no problem as a look alike i am concerned ...
Not a religious issue - A LAW EACH DAY (Keeps Trouble Away) By Jose C. Sison | The Philippine Star News Opinion 17 Mar 2011 | 10:08 am
With the RH Bill now about to be voted upon in Congress, it is important that people should know that it is not purely a Catholic and moral issue. There are serious human rights violations in the prop...
Prop 23 Reinforces Race & Class Discrimination 14 Sep 2010 | 05:20 pm
California AB 32 is the Global Warming Solutions Act signed into law in 2006. AB 32 focuses on climate change and includes an environmental justice provision to address the killing and harming of poor...
The Egypt intel failure debate 8 Feb 2011 | 03:08 am
Guys, the expression you are looking for is... Heisenberg's law - or, rather, what is commonly known as such; or alternatively as "Heisenberg's uncertainty principle." The U.S. intelligence community...
The Sartorialist talks about a digital park bench. 20 Jan 2011 | 03:17 am
via With nearly 500,000 views this a strong viral PR campaign from intel so props to them. In fact I would say that the way the film has been shot and edited is more admirably than that o...
California’s prop 2 gets a much-needed patch 8 Jul 2010 | 07:41 am
Yesterday, California’s G0vernor signed into law a much-needed counterpart to the state’s animal welfare standards for commercial egg growers (2008’s proposition 2). Proposition 2 required that commer...
POPCAST #8.1: THE WALKER DECISION ON PROP 8 5 Aug 2010 | 07:19 pm
This week, we discuss the 8-4-10 ruling by federal judge Walker, ruling in favor of Perry vs. The Governtaor over the legality of Prop 8. Resident Constitutional Law Expert Junichi weighs in on what t...
Mom's Crochet Corner Spotlight & Review 5 Jun 2012 | 03:35 am
Heather from Mom's Crochet Corner has a real talent for making super cute crochet photo props! She is a stay at home mom who started crocheting because her sister in law had a need for cute photo prop...