Most Jimmy Kets Blog related news are at:

ODYSSEA première! 10 May 2013 | 04:59 pm
Eindelijk is het zover: de première van mijn eerste documenatire film OdysSea ! Reserveer hier je tickets voor de première of één van de andere voorstellingen van mijn eerst docu film OdysSea: info@bu...
Vernieuwde website: 3 Mar 2013 | 10:22 pm
Vanaf nu kunnen jullie mijn vernieuwde website ontdekken: Franky De Schampheleer van heeft hem in een vernieuwd jasje gestoken en helemaal up to date gema...
More Jimmy Kets Blog related news:
Humanoid Aliens Fanakció 13 Aug 2010 | 02:20 am
HUMANOID ALIEN FANACTION TH fanok figyelem!!! Ha TE is szeretnél Tokio Hotel koncertet Magyarországon akkor figelmesen olvasd el ezt a bejegyzést! Két blog szerkesztői öszefogtak
Netsky 8 Dec 2012 | 09:51 pm
Netsky © Jimmy Kets
How Carlsonism Was Averted, or The Making of 2 Jan 2010 | 05:33 pm
After Thanksgiving, in response to constant nagging -- from Jimmie Bise, Paleo Pat and Cynthia Yockey, among others -- I finally resolved to switch the blog to a custom WordPress platform, and promise...
Replica Jimmy Choo Bags How do you get site visitors to help you your blog 30 May 2012 | 08:03 pm
How do you commute targeted visitors to help this blog? read more
How to blog for cash 18 Feb 2012 | 04:54 pm
How to blog for cash Author: Jimmy Duff Setting up your very own blog is a fantastic way of earning extra money online. You can either create a blog to promote your own product (and then send your b...
5 Strategies That You Should Follow To Become An Exceptional Guest Blogger 29 Feb 2012 | 05:26 am
This is a Guest Post By Jimmy. Guest Posting is usually a great tactic to make use of building your presence, as someone who uses a good number of guest posts. On my blogs I’ve noticed an amazing var...
Jimmy Moore inquires about "safe starches" 30 Sep 2011 | 04:41 am
This morning I got an email from Jimmy Moore inquiring what I thought about Paul Jaminet’s ideas about safe starches as espoused on his blog and in his book The Pefect Health Diet. I am not sure if Ji...
My Korean Boyfriend Dot Com 1 Apr 2011 | 02:01 pm
click on the image Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for supporting the My Korean Boyfriend blog for a year! It means so muh to me and Jimmy! However, I’m closing this wordpress blog now ‘coz we’re m...
Bye Bye Jimmy... 22 Nov 2011 | 03:09 am
Wow. That was a long gap between blog posts. And meanwhile, so many things have been happening - not all of them to do with choc. I handed Choc Star over to Shrimp & Ben for the summer who took it al...
Egy állomással tovább 22 Oct 2011 | 07:09 pm
Ha ez a blog papírlapokon íródott volna, most szépen sorba szedném őket, összefognám egy szalaggal és masnit kötnék a tetejére. Aztán mehetne az "emlékes dobozba". Mert a régi dolgokat megilleti az, h...