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KatapultDJ bulifilozófia - Megpacskoltuk a picsáját, majd torkon lőttük! 27 Aug 2013 | 05:17 pm
BejegyzésKatapultDJ által
Bozóky, Lipóczy, Bárány, Dominique @ Körös-Torok Fesztivál 27 Aug 2013 | 05:13 pm
Bozóky x Lipóczy - KatapultDJ, Bárány x Dominique live @ Körös-Torok Fesztivál 2013 *** ***
More Katapult Dj Blog related news:
Fasching 2013 in München mit DJ Dan 2 Jan 2013 | 07:14 pm
Servus zusammen, wird höchste Zeit diesen DJ-Blog mal wieder zu beleben und darum hier mal meine aktuellen Faschingstermine 2013 im Großraum München: 07.02.2013: Unsinniger Donnerstag - OlympiaLust ...
1. DJ-Stammtisch 2013 mit 28 Feb 2013 | 06:53 pm
Servus zusammen, der Jahresanfang 2013 war wider erwarten mehr als gut gebucht und darum war es im DJ-Blog etwas ruhiger. Was an Weihnachtsfeiern Ende 2012 fehlte, kam in Form von Jahresauftaktverans...
Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal 24 Apr 2010 | 11:37 pm
Keith "Guru" Elam Tribute Mix by Dj Premier Blog Radio on Mixcloud or DOWNLOAD Tracklist : Gang Starr – Betrayal (Feat. Scarface) Gang Starr – Intro (The First Step) Gang Starr – Execution Of A ...
Notes from the Front by DJ Forza 22 May 2012 | 02:34 am
**This post is by my Mongol Rally teammate DJ Forza, and was originally posted on her blog at: I pour myself a glass of Bordeaux and fire up my laptop. I let the win...
Kanye West - Theraflu ft. DJ Khaled 6 Apr 2012 | 11:01 am
With just this one song Kanye was able to confirm a few rumors, be the topic of disussiion on all the blogs, piss of PETA, and set y'all up for the release of the G.O.O.D. Music single tomorrow.
First blog 17 Jul 2011 | 05:33 am
Asculta zilnic Fresh TOP40 HITS CLUB acest album 01. Don Omar & Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro 02. DJ Project - Mi-e dor de noi 03. Play & Win - Ya BB 04. Sasha Lopez - All My People 05. CONNECT-R...
DJ Green Lantern & Jay Z - Creative Control 25 Jul 2010 | 04:30 am
I like to use this blog as a tool for older mixtapes and hiphop music that has been released in Columbus Ohio and surrounding cities. But when Green Lantern constructs a mixtape like this, I have to s...
De Volta com Novidades e Atualizações!!! 21 Jul 2009 | 08:12 am
Bom gente, voltei!!! DJ Neko Goes Back O_O bom, fazia um bom tempo desde que atualizei o blog pela ultima vez, mas agora estarei presente pelo menos na atualização do Blog, até que eu volte a locutar...
Creando música electrónica 18 Feb 2012 | 10:09 am
Vaya, hoy me he dedicado al blog como hacía tiempo que no me dedicaba. Os dejo un enlace a un "entrenador de estilos" de música electrónica (un DJ trainer, vaya). A poco tiempo que le dediquéis obtend...
1st Post! - Welcome to Deadman's blog 15 Feb 2010 | 12:34 pm
Music is my passion in life and this blog will reflect that. I live in Sheffield and have been an active DJ/MC on the circuit for the last ten years. Initially this began with Junglist Alliance (play...