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The Raven 27 Apr 2012 | 04:19 am
A serial killer starts to kill people by using some methods shown in Poe’s stories. Poe cooperates with a young Baltimore detective with the aim of stopping the killer from making his stories become t...
⌘ + Q: I didn’t mean to do that 15 Jun 2011 | 04:55 am
by Robert Sesek, Software Engineer In Chrome, have you ever accidentally hit ⌘ + Q when you meant to hit ⌘ + W? It’s both frustrating and a productivity killer to close your entire browser by acciden...
Cereal Killers 9 Aug 2009 | 10:41 am
July 2005 by Steven Novella, MD Just last year, a “crop circle” (actually a crop square) appeared in Martha Bailey’s cornfield in New Milford, Conn. Her field is surrounded by a 7-foot-tall fence of...
Freebie and the Bean (1974) – The Daily Movie Wallpaper – Richard Rush 23 Feb 2010 | 05:05 pm
The Daily Movie Wallpaper Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Love this rare behind the scenes shot of filmmaker Richard Rush with its added reflection of him on the left! Be sure to read the rare pres...
sex school class teacher milf 7 Oct 2008 | 12:23 am
Professor Cherokee is a flirt. She isn’t afraid to use her killer curves to get what she wants. And she wants to fuck her student. So after a little academic blackmail gets his attention, Cherokee t...
8 Reasons why Email Marketing is ideal for Businesses 13 Feb 2012 | 06:34 am
Email has revolutionised business communications over recent years and has rightly earned the label of the Killer Application of the Internet. The use of email marketing has had a similar and profound...
Quick Freebie: Custom Pagination Style 13 Jul 2011 | 01:54 am
Last week on Premium Pixels we saw an awesome pagination theme as the daily freebie. To save any developers who choose to use this design in their theme some time, we decided to code it into a drop-in...
50 Best Blogs for the Avid Antiquer 18 Jun 2010 | 03:33 pm
Whether you're hunting for a killer mid-century lamp, Victorian knick knacks or old photographs, antiquing can be a fun and often inexpensive way to build a collection and spend an afternoon. For ...
Freebie: Social Port WordPress Plugin 16 Sep 2011 | 01:13 pm
SocialPort is a social-media Wordpress plugin that lets readers easy access to social-media bookmarking sites. It's just like bookmarking buttons — but what makes it stand out is that it adds a fixed ...
Freebie: Clean AJAX Contact Form 1 Jul 2011 | 02:01 pm
Building on top of the AJAX Contact Form and modifying one of Wufoo's elegant forms available at the gallery, I made a more secure, easy-to-install AJAX Contact Form with more features. It's available...