Most Ky Ubuntu Forum related news are at:

Just jumped into the Ubuntu pool and am all wet...but that's about it 27 Aug 2013 | 07:57 am
So. Here I am, a lone home recording enthusiast, hoping that all my problems with Microsoft will be over and I can get back to actually recording music again. Lots of promise in this particualr flavor...
[ubuntu] Ubuntu Can't Detect My Secondary Drive 27 Aug 2013 | 07:55 am
Hi guy, My primary drive is an SSD and my secondary is a HDD. The thing is when I start my computer, I have to click on the secondary drive icon then ubuntu will "see" the HDD. If i didnt click the...
More Ky Ubuntu Forum related news:
How To Install Oracle Java 7 (JDK) In Ubuntu 16 Sep 2011 | 01:27 am
Forums: General Software BY ANDREW As you probably know, Oracle Java (JVM/JDK) will not be available in the Debian / Ubuntu repositories anymore because Oracle retired the "Operating System Distri....
New Ubuntu Members 8 Oct 2011 | 07:04 am
Congratulations to the recently approved Ubuntu Forums Members. Earlier I approved 11 applications for Ubuntu Membership applied for based on forum contributions. The process is still new to both the...
New Forum Council Members 6 Jul 2011 | 06:56 am
Due to current and upcoming vacancies on the Ubuntu Forum Council, we (the FC) were in need of 3 new members to make the correct number of members. Previously, the FC was chosen from the staff team b...
Ubuntu 11.04 – My Experience So Far 27 Feb 2011 | 09:37 am
I’m sure people are probably fed up of reading these by now. I know there’s several threads on this topic over on the Ubuntu Forums, for example. Nonetheless, what I have experienced so far is this (d...
Ubuntu Forums Downtime – 09:00 UTC 14 Feb 2011 | 09:40 pm
I’m merely posting this as a reminder to what Mike posted last week – the Ubuntu Forums will be offline for approximately 2 hours while we have new hardware installed to resolve some performance issue...
Nautilus-actions : A series of examples of actions on Ubuntu forum 12 Jan 2006 | 08:53 pm
I've just found a Howto posted quite a long time ago by Killerkiwi on which proposed a lots of example of use of Nautilus-actions. Here is a non exhaustive list of actions proposed : ...
Re: F*ck ubuntu forums 24 PP to beat! 17 Aug 2012 | 09:14 pm
Hell. Nick's even picking up on "Redneck" at times also. He r good. He should should read Dinge's stuff sometimes. He'll be a genius totally in languages then.
Re: F*ck ubuntu forums 24 PP to beat! 17 Aug 2012 | 08:45 pm
Quote from: Nick Brohman on Today at 10:31:39 AM We can be ourselves...and we basically follow the 11 commandments of warfie the invisible... Yeah, where's 'e been anyway? [quote author=Nick Brohma...
Re: F*ck ubuntu forums 24 PP to beat! 17 Aug 2012 | 08:00 pm
Quote from: Eiji Takanaka on Today at 11:54:24 AM You've lost me again chief, s'all good tho generational linguistics im thinking Yeah seems a lot more open here, good to see, have to just be carefu...
Ubuntu Forums – Scheduled Update 28 Feb 2013 | 01:48 pm
The ubuntforums are currently being updated, so we’re going down for a few hours. DON’T PANIC We anticipate anything up to 10 hours downtime, though we hope to be back a lot sooner. The moderation te...