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Makeup Corner : Makeup Sanding Aishah, Klang 23 Jul 2013 | 10:31 am
As'salammualaikum ♥ Sedar tak sedar dah 14 hari kita puasa. Tak lama lagi dah nak raya kan? Hmm.. So far, macam mana puasa? Ok? Yang gastik tu macam mana? Sakit datang ke waktu puasa ni? hehe. Aku pu...
Makeup Site : Hobbies, Love 16 Jun 2013 | 03:41 pm
Assalammualaikum.. ♥ Hari ni nak taip minggu lepas dan minggu-minggu sebelumnya punya cerita. Alhamdulillah semakin rajin nak berbelog. Dan terima kasih daun keladi bagi yang masih sudi singgah blog ...
More La Dolce Azila related news:
Case vacanze in Toscana a Montaione fra San Gimignano e Volterra 11 Oct 2010 | 08:16 pm
Case per vacanze in Toscana, la dolce vita in Toscana.... Cerchi una vacanza in Toscana per rigenerare lo spirito? Vieni a scoprire le bellezze della Toscana.... ti aspettiamo! Belmonte Vacanze si...
La cultura italiana ritratta ne La dolce vita di Fellini 2 Feb 2012 | 04:03 am
Ci sono film che non si limitano a riprodurre semplicemente uno scenario reale o a crearne uno fantastico ma diventano una testimonianza storica che descrive un tempo, una società con i suoi usi e i s...
Aquariva | Gucci 25 Jan 2011 | 08:46 am
Brangieji, atėjo laikas pažymėti La Dolce Vita erą, kurioje žavesys ir elegancija tampa svarbiausiais gyvenimo būdo elementais
Discovering La Dolce Vita From a Hotel in Rome Centre 24 Jan 2011 | 02:15 am
Life is sweet. Life is good. In Rome, you are reminded of the magnificence and weight of history, yet you are also very aware of what wonderful experiences await you in this ancient city. capodanno vi...
Discovering La Dolce Vita From a Hotel in Rome Centre 24 Jan 2011 | 02:16 am
Life is sweet. Life is good. In Rome, you are reminded of the magnificence and weight of history, yet you are also very aware of what wonderful experiences await you in this ancient city. capodanno vi...
Discovering La Dolce Vita From a Hotel in Rome Centre 24 Jan 2011 | 02:03 am
Life is sweet. Life is good. In Rome, you are reminded of the magnificence and weight of history, yet you are also very aware of what wonderful experiences await you in this ancient city. capodanno vi...
Discovering La Dolce Vita From a Hotel in Rome Centre 24 Jan 2011 | 02:16 am
Life is sweet. Life is good. In Rome, you are reminded of the magnificence and weight of history, yet you are also very aware of what wonderful experiences await you in this ancient city. capodanno vi...
Discovering La Dolce Vita From a Hotel in Rome Centre 24 Jan 2011 | 02:03 am
Life is sweet. Life is good. In Rome, you are reminded of the magnificence and weight of history, yet you are also very aware of what wonderful experiences await you in this ancient city. capodanno vi...
可口的音符發酵蜜甜一下《優雅的刺蝟》 15 Jul 2010 | 08:18 pm
藝人:魏如萱 專輯:優雅的刺蝟 發行:亞神音樂 / 台灣 魏如萱甜美又清新穿透力十足的嗓音,是樂團自然捲的招牌之一,在她06年因喉嚨問題退出後,輾轉在音樂圈各種角色裡遊走。於07年末復出發行首張個人專輯《La Dolce Vita 甜蜜生活》後,新專輯《優雅的刺蝟》中,魏如萱的嗓音還是那麼的溫暖勾人入夢。在新作中恬淡的詞境中時而飛奔的浪花和迴旋的轉音層次,好像閉上眼後,就可以在隨著她發泡般的...
Vegan Mofo: Iron Chef Challenge 13 Oct 2008 | 07:43 am
this week: pears and nuts. i went with the fairly obvious this week, having nothing exciting going on for breakfast. one of my favorite things to make is the sour cream coffee cake from la dolce vega...