Most Louise Chardon Workshop related news are at:

MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP - 24/08 > 01/09 19 Apr 2013 | 01:45 am
MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP door Hilde Broeckhove en Louise Chardon Deze workshop die uit 3 modules bestaat is een creatief bewegingsproces met als rode draad de 5 elementen vanuit de Chinese bewegingsk...
BMC class 23/3/2013 21 Mar 2013 | 03:42 am
INTRODUCTION TO BODY-MIND CENTERING BY LOUISE CHARDON / AWBD SAT 23/03/2013 - 10:00 > 17:00 Inspired both from occidental and oriental knowledge, Body-Mind Centering® is a somatic and experimental a...
More Louise Chardon Workshop related news:
Body-Mind Centering® Introduction @ Iyengar Yoga Centrum Antwerpen 1 Jul 2012 | 12:23 am
Course of Introduction to Body-Mind Centering® (B.M.C®) / Louise Chardon Saturday June 30 from 14:00 > 18:00 @ Iyengar Centrum Antwerpen More info's and registration:
MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP 28 Jun 2012 | 12:23 am
Aanvang: 20-08-2012 (10u) Einde: 26-08-2012 (18u) MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP door Hilde Broeckhove en Louise Chardon Een week lang bewegen en dansen doorheen het meridiaansysteem de 5 bewegingen van d...
MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP 24/08 > 01/09 - in 3 modules: - module 1: 24 & 25/08, - module 2: 26, 27 & 28/08, - module 3: 30, 31 & 01/09. This workshop is a movement creative process, associated to the en...
BMC class 23/3/2013 21 Mar 2013 | 03:42 am
INTRODUCTION TO BODY-MIND CENTERING BY LOUISE CHARDON / AWBD SAT 23/03/2013 - 10:00 > 17:00 Inspired both from occidental and oriental knowledge, Body-Mind Centering® is a somatic and experimental a...
MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP - 24/08 > 01/09 19 Apr 2013 | 01:45 am
MERIDIAN DANCE WORKSHOP door Hilde Broeckhove en Louise Chardon Deze workshop die uit 3 modules bestaat is een creatief bewegingsproces met als rode draad de 5 elementen vanuit de Chinese bewegingsk...
'A Day With Success' is BACK and BETTER than ever! 12 May 2010 | 10:18 pm
After a couple of months of guest speakers while Louise was out preparing and competing at the OXFAM 100km Marathon, she is back to host the sell-out ‘A Day With Success’ workshops. “I’m so excited ....
Westover School to Present Workshop Production of Bronwyn Sims' Solo Show, Moment of Impact, on May 10th 23 Apr 2013 | 08:00 pm
Westover's Theater Department will present a workshop production of Bronwyn Sims' solo show, Moment of Impact, on Friday, May 10th, at 7:30 pm in the Louise B. Dillingham Performing Arts Center.
The Art of Feng Shui: Geomancy to Heal Your Environment – 10th August 2013 10 Jun 2013 | 12:56 pm
A Workshop With Louise Mita Saturday 10th August 2013, 10:00 – 14:00 £100; £90 if booked by the 3rd of August 2013 Do you find it yourself more productive in some rooms than others? Have you ever w...