Most Mairlist Vu Meter related news are at:

Re: mAirList 4.0.4 Build 1259 pegelt nicht im Offline Betrieb 27 Aug 2013 | 12:07 pm
da musst du nix einfügen, konfiguartion aufmachen, GUI, Bildschirmobjekte, Encoderstatus, optionen, HAKEN SETZEN
Re: mAirList 4.0.4 Build 1259 pegelt nicht im Offline Betrieb 27 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
Das ist wahrscheinlich der Grund dafür warum ich bei uns im Radio kein Techniker bin.... Wo find ich das genau. bzw. wo muss ich das einfügen...? Ich sag schonmal Danke
More Mairlist Vu Meter related news:
VU METER. 12 Jan 2012 | 03:39 am
O circuito é colocado em paralelo com um amplificador de potência de saída e nos dá a saída de nível de sinal do amplificador. Alterar o resistor R1, a entrada do circuito, ajustar o indicador de e...
VU Meter Driver PCB Board Stereo for Two VU Meters 29 May 2012 | 11:00 am
VU Meter Driver PCB Board Stereo for Two VU Meters
BarGraph Click from Mikroelektronika now available! 29 May 2013 | 01:05 pm
A ten-segment light bar display in mikroBUS format. It communicates via SPI bus and PWM with any Host board. This board is an excellent choice for a VU meter design. You can even interconnect many to ...
DIY Analog VU Meter and Clock 22 Aug 2013 | 05:55 am
This is a neat project. The DIY Analog VU Meter and Clock can move to the music when in VU mode and also act as an analog clock to let you keep track of time.
Electronic VU meter by LM3914 and LM3915 16 Aug 2013 | 08:36 pm
Here is High performance LM3914/LM3915 VU meter projects that widely popular can display with 20 LEDs on stereo or mono with 10 LEDs for all audio system.And can easily build and cheap you must happy ...
PSPaudioware PSP 2Meters v2.0.2 MacOSX-Xdb 27 Aug 2013 | 09:49 am
PSPaudioware PSP 2Meters v2.0.2 MacOSX-Xdb | 51.1 MB PSP 2Meters bundle consists two audio level measurement plug-ins: PSP VU2 and PSP PPM2. PSP VU2 offers professional VU metering with accurate over...
Re: J3Remix - VU meters only showing output level? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:21 pm
I expect my Reloop Jockey 3 Remix to be delivered by the end of this week. I'll keep you informed. Meanwhile I hope others will test your version out aswell. Tip: Post your custom-mapping on http://...
Re: J3Remix - VU meters only showing output level? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:04 pm
So here is my updatet / bugfixed mapping.... Changelog : FX assignment updated for Remixmode Beatphase Out --> flashing CUP Button Search Funktion more sensitive In Sample Mode --> Sample Load from....
Re: J3Remix - VU meters only showing output level? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:39 am
I just change the Mapping like you ask for. Pressing "CUE" / Hedphone will activate the "Pre Fader Line Metering" If you want i Upload it tomorrow.