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Pre Christmas photo post 23 Dec 2012 | 09:55 pm
. Wishing you all a Good holiday and a prosperous 2013! From Count Candy From Count Candy From Milkboys From Milkboys From Milkboys He’s a boy from Brazil. lots of more pics and a touch more in...
CALIFORNIA- Our First Real Family Vacation 12 Nov 2008 | 06:10 pm
Because we left the night before Halloween for our California vacation, I counted Desiree's preschool Halloween party as her trick or treating for this year. As you can see, she got enough candy there...
candy mountain 24 Nov 2011 | 04:09 am
Immer noch Herbst. Immer noch grau & nebelig. Zumindest draussen herrschen blasse Grautöne und schlucken den Rest der Welt. Damit ich im Umzugsstress (counting down the days ➪ noch 17 Tage) nicht unt...
Counting the flowers & candy 20 Mar 2008 | 07:58 pm
Five years after the made-for-teevee 'Shock 'n Awe' invasion of Iraq, journalists are seizing this war-i-versary to count the flowers and candy. Overflowing cemetaries. Unclaimed bodies. Refugees in...
Sweet Candy Cane Winner 2 Jan 2011 | 11:08 am
So you want to know who won the Sweet Candy Cane sponsored by Eden Fantasys? With 112 counted entries… drum roll please…. Comment #84 was randomly chosen with the use of Congratulations ...
Trick or Treat 2 Nov 2011 | 05:57 am
When I was a kid, trick or treat time meant grabbing 3 pillow cases and marching through all the neighborhoods for several hours collecting as much candy as we could, and then racing home to count our...
Is Caffeine Risky? 1 Nov 2012 | 04:00 am
Caffeine is observed occurring naturally and is made use of as an additive inside various of the foods we eat all through the day, counting coffee, tea, fizzy drinks and candy as well as other product...
Candy Bar Cheesecake Brownies 16 Nov 2012 | 11:36 pm
PMS and children do not go well together. PMS and Candy Bar Cheesecake Brownies go very well together! I love my children dearly but today I am counting down the minutes until they go to bed so that...
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Money! 14 Feb 2013 | 05:00 am
Here comes that dreaded day – Valentine's Day. When everybody in a relationship rushes out to buy hearts, flowers and candy for their significant others. But does that really mean something? Yet wo...
Mackage Arm Candy 13 Aug 2013 | 11:46 pm
I’ve been counting down the days ‘til Mackage’s highly anticipated handbag line hit the market. Alas, my friends – the moment has finally arrived! I just so happened to visit the Mercer street store ....