Most Miriam Delicado related news are at:

Travel to Hopi Aug 2013 8 Aug 2013 | 12:13 pm
The time for another journey is here. On saturday August 10th I will be traveling to Arizona to see the Hopi. From there I will be traveling to New Mexico to pick up a special guest and bring them bac...
Messages from South Africa Indigenous: Khoi-San people 29 Jul 2013 | 02:50 am
Submission to the UNPFII, 13th Session (This was sent to me by a man whom I met in 2009 on the journey to South Africa. He has been working for his people to uplift and strengthen his people. He is a ...
More Miriam Delicado related news:
Travel to La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Kogui Mamos Colombia 2013 / Miriam Delicado 18 Jun 2013 | 12:45 am
In the past three years I have been led spiritually to Colombia seven times now. My first journey was all about learning how people who claim to represent tribes and people must be researched and conf...
Travel to La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Kogui Mamos Colombia 2013 / Miriam Delicado 18 Jun 2013 | 12:45 am
In the past three years I have been led spiritually to Colombia seven times now. My first journey was all about learning how people who claim to represent tribes and people must be researched and conf...
Interview with Bernard Alvarez of GIC: July 30,11-1pm Pacific time 13 Jul 2013 | 01:06 am
( GIC Production ) COMING JULY 30TH! Interview with Bernard Alvarez of Global Illumination Council. We are in a time of transition in consciousness for humanity globally and Miriam Delicado has been h...
Archive: Holistic Advocate : Author, Contactee and Humanitarian – Miriam Delicado 24 Jul 2013 | 01:29 am
Miriam Delicado is my guest on As Above, So Below Radio on Hour One. After having had several encounters with extraterrestrials who imparted information to her, Miriam has written a book which detail...
Vacheron Constantin Historique 25 Sep 2011 | 06:40 am
More information:"I don't like wasting anybody's time. At the end of the day, when I close the book, it's all about winning."She made her comments on Miriam O'Callaghan's Miriam...
RED PASSION 16 Sep 2010 | 09:57 am
“VESTIDO VERMELHO”. (Rondel). Vestia vermelho carmim Com o seu corpo delgado, O seu perfume de jasmim E andar muito delicado. Moderno o seu penteado Fez um aceno pra mim, Vestia vermelho carmi... 1 Nov 2009 | 11:01 pm
Fue justo con aquel último aspaviento cuando la estrella de cinco puntas se desmoronó por completo y fue a parar sobre su jeta. Cuanto más especial y delicado es un sueño más posibilidades tiene de de...
Quando o foco é o FOCO da imagem? 6 Dec 2010 | 01:46 pm
Caros, Nosso assunto do dia se traduz no delicado mundo do auto ajuste de imagem, nem sempre o que parece perfeito de fato é perfeito certo? O mesmo nós podemos dizer do realce dos traços periféric...
Mi niño no me lee nada (I) 26 Jan 2010 | 09:29 pm
Para empezar una técnica de lo más sencillo: la gestión del tiempo. Muy a menudo nos encontramos con uno de esos temas espinosos y delicados: la falta de tiempo para leer. Dice Pennac en su Como una ...
Welcome to Miriam theme 7 Jan 2012 | 11:59 pm
Enter at your peril, past the vaulted door. Impossible things will happen that the world’s never seen before. In Dexter’s laboratory lives the smartest boy you’ve ever seen, but Dee Dee blows his expe...