Most Oh Dara Goddess related news are at:

Photo: 2NE1 for Adidas All Originals 27 Aug 2013 | 05:40 pm
Source: @WeLoveChaerin Filed under: Endorsement, Photos
Video: 130827 Starcall from Dara and Bom 27 Aug 2013 | 05:31 pm
According to Dara and Bom, 2NE1 is really busy right now. They also said that SsangPark TV Episode 2 is coming out soon. They don’t know when exactly but it will come out soon! ^_^ Credit: @nadette02 ...
More Oh Dara Goddess related news:
CindyZ. edited Potential Anime 21 Feb 2011 | 08:12 pm
Spring 2011 Forecast Grab Bag: Back to The Classics...? Ideas Grab Bags Oh! My Goddess OVA Astro Boy Maison Ikkoku Kindaichi Shounen Jikenbo Kind of hard for grab bags though, each arc is usually thr...
New Morrowind Mods! 13 Aug 2012 | 12:55 am
Morrowind Mods Illy's Oh my Goddess by Illuminiel (Clothing) A mod which finally shows some love...
CLAMP e Chica Umino homenageiam Aa! Megami-sama! 23 Aug 2013 | 04:39 pm
Aa! Megami-sama! (ああっ女神さまっ) ou Oh! My Goddess!, de Fujishima Kosuke, completou 24 anos de publicação, 46 volumes e 300 capítulos. Para comemorar esta marca, ilustrações especiais de vários mangá-kas,...
Cinta Keu Dinda Sampoe Oh Tuha 9 Apr 2012 | 05:35 am
Oleh : Julian Sibawayhi Linto : Salam’alaikum hai putroe raja Lon peuduk saleum keu bandum donya Paken hai dinda gata ceuria Bibi ngen mata seunang lagoina Dara tuha : Alaikosalam hai paduka...
Goddess Boot Camp – Tera Lynn Childs 26 Sep 2009 | 07:19 am
WARNING: This review is FILLED with spoilers, so if you haven’t read Oh. My. Gods. yet, I suggest you look away now! Summary: Phoebe recently discovered she’s a descendent of Nike (the goddess, not ...
West Wing and a book about baking/ being a goddess… oh the... 5 Aug 2011 | 11:42 pm
West Wing and a book about baking/ being a goddess… oh the things our belongings say about us. Still MIA from the blogging world. In the past two weeks I decided to move, found a new apartment and by...
J Is For Jasasara 12 May 2012 | 01:56 pm
Never heard of the Goddess Jasasara, you say? Oh, you have, trust me. You just didn't know that was Her name. All right. I suppose I should state right up front that I am not any sort of academic; I ...
Tag & Coretanku 18 Jan 2009 | 05:22 am
T.I.R.E.D Yes im so tired. today aku takder wat paper.. tapi sugguh letih.. adeiii apalah aku wat satu hari ni.. dah la lewat solat subuh.. hemm nak jadi apalah anak dara ni. oh ya.. baru aku ingat. s...
Pizza oh Pizza 25 May 2011 | 06:23 pm
Aktiviti ahad lepas dengan anak dara...yer yer sy dah ada nak dara kan, alaa..baru umur 10 tahunlah... Tetiba pulak rasa macam nak makan pizza tp yang sendiri buat tau, jadinya pagi ahad tu berkocoh-...
Alif Ba Ta Sah Jim Ha Ho :DD 16 Dec 2009 | 08:48 pm
Alahaii muka baik je depan mak , tengok belakang mak main dengan anak dara orang je . Bodoh setakat niat kau couple sebab nak main baik tak payah bodoh ! Sekarang mangsa kau siapa ? Oh lupaa illa beda...